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Scribbs' Incidental Diversions

Scribbs' Incidental Diversions

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Wiglaf Miniatures and Jon Hodgson Backgrounds

Tutoring 11
Skill 14
Idea 14

I recently returned to my handful of unpainted Wiglaf Miniatures, splitting them into a two rough groups and picking a trio of different colours to act as a unifying scheme for each.

As mentioned before, these are very nice 18mm sculpts, very easy to paint, just the right amount of detail without becoming cluttered.

I had a bit of fun with the very oversized flags. The designs are based on illustrations from the Book of Kells, an illuminated manuscript dating from ca.800 AD. That’s about 150-200 years after the era these models depict, but made in a Columban monastery in either Scotland or Ireland. The Columban monks spread from Iona around to the North of England, so I figured that the images were appropriate if not necessarily contemporary.

I got these figures finished just as a book of photo backdrops arrived in the post. Made by Jon Hodgson, these backdrops are fantastic, well worth checking out. Books are available to buy via Bad Squiddo games.

Wiglaf Miniatures and Jon Hodgson Backgrounds
Wiglaf Miniatures and Jon Hodgson Backgrounds
Wiglaf Miniatures and Jon Hodgson Backgrounds
Wiglaf Miniatures and Jon Hodgson Backgrounds

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Cult of Games Member

I too supported the backdrop KS and they do indeed look great!

Cult of Games Member

A very fine collection of backdrops to make a hazy world that the figures live in.

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