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Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

Redvers and Son Get Into Bushido

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Cult Starter Set: The Penanggalan

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Bushido draws upon a lot of Japanese and Far Eastern culture. It seems that vampires are not just confined to Romanian castles but are also part of the mythology in the form of the The Penanggalan (or Penny, for short). This was a new one on me so I did a little bit of reading. Penny is a dismembered head complete with the entrails and bodily organs suspended from its neck. It roams around looking for pregnant women and young babies to feed upon.

In game, Penny has the usual vampiric traits. In combat, if she hits, she gets to hold the opponent model. This is handy, as a held model becomes much easier pickings in combat. She also has a couple of handy Ki feats, one being able to ‘hypnotise’ an opponent so that they lose an activation counter, which is very debilitating. Finally, if she is holding on to someone at the end of the turn, she deals 2 damage and regenerates 2 herself.

The model is a two piece build, with the neck/head being separate from the body. I though about just using the head/neck as the mythology says this is what they look like. But after some thought, I decided to use the the whole model as the neck is quite flimsy and would be difficult to mount. As it happened, pinning the neck to the body was quite challenging given its size….

I decided to keep the paint job simple. A dark rubber base coat was given a couple of nuln oil washes. I then picked out the highlights with dark rubber and then dark rubber/luftwaffe grey mix. The bow is an off white and then I’ve used luftwaffe grey glazes to gradually create the shadows. I’ve edged the dress in purple as my warband’s ‘colour’.

The skin is made from the Scale 75 Skin colour set. I start with a base skin tone and then glaze accordingly. The entrails started with a cavalry brown base and then I’ve highlighted up using various shades of red. I’ve left the entrails with a satin varnish to create a ‘wet’ look. The rest got a matt varnish.

Cult Starter Set: The Penanggalan
Cult Starter Set: The Penanggalan
Cult Starter Set: The Penanggalan
Cult Starter Set: The Penanggalan

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She should go and see a chiropractor XD

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