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Stuff what I been painting

Stuff what I been painting

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Closing out 2023

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I didn’t get as much finished in December that I had hoped. I’ve still got quite a few models on the painting bench that are close to being complete but just haven’t quite got there.

I did however finish off some MDF terrain that has been sitting around for a while.

Closing out 2023

I also finished off the rest of my Cult of Yurei starter force with, in order, Risu, The Pennagalan, Mo Ises and Ibara.

I was lucky enough to get some more models for Christmas, so this added to the pile of shame resulting in the pile growing in December rather than shrinking. But over the course of 2023, I painted up 107 models, which given that I’m a particularly slow painter, is pretty good going. The pile did however gain 204 models, so it has grown during the year. Maybe 2024 will bring about a reduction in the pile….

The Scores on the DoorsThe Scores on the Doors

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