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The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

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A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Spearmen (Red Goblin Sharpsticks) - Part 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Hi everyone,

I have started to paint the first 2 of 4 boxes of Perry 100 Year’s War figures, that I have for my Red Goblin proxies in my Ogrion army.

I was never going to use these for a 100 Year’s War force anyway, because I was never going to paint up all those diverse colour schemes and heraldry. Also, since Perry miniatures are a bit smaller than normal fantasy ranges, I think they would convincingly pass as goblin proxies.

Altogether, I will be able to make one unit of Sharpsticks (Spearmen) and two units of Rabble (Militia). To accomplish this, each regiment will have 13 men and a leader on horse. This will bring the number up to 15 models per unit and in line with the ‘preferred model count’ (PMC) for Kings of War.

(The fact that there are less on a base will give the impression that the regiment is weaker because it is not at full force – that is the idea!)

As regards painting, I wanted something very simple.  I knew that it would take me at least twice the work and time to paint up a regiment of Normalites, than to paint up a horde up Ogrions. Not only because there are 3 times more miniatures on a regiment, but also because there are more varying details on the models.

So my I decided to keep the paint scheme simple with a two colour pattern.  I also would not paint in shadows – that would be the job of oil washes. This way I would speed up the production of these miniatures while keeping the result neat and tabletop worthy.

The first 2 Perry plastic boxes I have.The first 2 Perry plastic boxes I have.
The first 13 spearmen built and primed black.The first 13 spearmen built and primed black.
All metallics and flesh parts painted up.All metallics and flesh parts painted up.
Basic colour scheme painted in.Basic colour scheme painted in.
Highlights added.Highlights added.
Oil washes for low light and flags added. Ready to be attached to a base.Oil washes for low light and flags added. Ready to be attached to a base.
The leader painted with the same quick style as the spearmen.The leader painted with the same quick style as the spearmen.
A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Spearmen (Red Goblin Sharpsticks) - Part 1

In the next post, I will have based this regiment and I will post the finished result. Multi-basing these miniatures to match my Ogrions is going to be a chore in itself, but I wanted to post something this week.

Until next time stay safe and have fun.


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