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Just a little something

Just a little something

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Tying the boxes together.

Tutoring 8
Skill 13
Idea 12

I finally got around to sorting out the ‘caves’ section of the build, just so I can incorporate this into my ‘Spiders of Mars’ scenario for our Victorian Science Fiction Campaign.  Plus, they can also be used for regular dungeon crawls with the kids.

I also painted all the tops in black, tying all the sections together a little better.

I’m really glad that I went down the route of black tops because it helps the paintwork inside each section stand out just a bit more.

Tying the boxes together.

Whilst I had the stuff out, I took the time to take a few closer pictures so you can get an idea of how it will look on the table at about eye height.

Tying the boxes together.
Tying the boxes together.

Next up is to do some internal fittings and decorations plus some critters to occupy it and of course some adventurers.

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hutchhorati0nosebl0werChristopher Southwell Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

These look absolutely incredible.

Cult of Games Member

Agreed on the tops getting the dark color to make the insides stand out more. Now we just need some craziness in the form of some David Bowie-esque ringleader for said Martian Spiders.. or will there be a Mjr. Tom who crash landed his floating tin can that must be retrieved from said spiders?

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