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Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

Kings of War: Otters and Goblins

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Battle Report

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6

I ventured to the Wargaming club that predates the FLGS that focuses mainly on GW. They are just around the corner and I’ve never been.

They were mostly long standing D&D groups and some guys doing 15mm ancients. A friendly bunch and they were intrigued by the shiny and colourful fantasy armies.

It’s the first I had met my opponent, he’s got back into the hobby and only knows one guy who plays KoW. His miniatures were beautifully painted, apparently his friends are ‘better’ and they won ‘Best Painted’ at a big Mantic event.

Battle Report

We opted for the invasion scenario. The mat and the snowy trees are mine, the rest was club terrain.

Battle Report

I moved my spitters (archers) onto higher ground to cover the advance. Then my mincer mob went through the centre its flanks protected by the sharpsticks. Meanwhile on the right hand side my fleabag riders tried to wheel around into a flanking position.

Battle Report

My centre units engaged his two main units, a risk as the dwarves are a lot tougher, but everyone bar the archers were over on his have of the table due to our not heaving little stumpy legs.

Unfortunately the cavalry got wavered from missile fire and so the flanking charge would have to wait. Meanwhile my Troll hero lumbered into the fray.

When the cavalry made their charge they combined with a unit of sharpsticks to take out a dwarf hero. Between then, even with flanking and a mawpup cage they failed to register a single wound. The cavalry didn’t see out the turn.

On the other side of the field the archers switched from peppering the cannon to his stone priestess and popped her first go. I guess I used all my luck on those.


Battle Report

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horati0nosebl0werjames waddellSquirrel Lord Recent comment authors
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love it, I would like to see your army list, did you run naked units or invest in any artifacts. nice table set up there as well, but for your next game get a couple of fences or walls to place as obstacles, they impact the game differently.

Cult of Games Member

Naked ewoks running about?! What kind of batrep is this? ?

Yes, do put some clothing or other accoutrements on.

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