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Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

Escape Vault 99: A Dungeonalia Inspired Fallout Adventure

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Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Well, that was intense wasn’t it?  I don’t know about you but I’ve grown quite attached to our adventurers.

I strongly suspect we haven’t seen the last of Leeland and Lucie.  Nor John and Kate for that matter.  There is a wasteland to explore and there will be safety in numbers!

That’s all for another day though.  For now the dungeon exploration is complete. I am sure our heroes will stumble across another vault though, and it will be interesting to see how they get on when they are levelled up and better equipped!

For now, let’s wrap this up.  There were some areas of Vault 99 left unexplored, but we had quite the adventure in the parts we discovered!  Here is the schematic as encountered by our crew:


Who knows, maybe one day I’ll build out this vault properly in three dimensions?  The Battle Systems terrain served me well, but imagine a fully structured layout like this!

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