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Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

Dungeonalia - Necrothrall does Drow (and other beasties)

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Getting on the wagon

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I’ve acquired a few wagons for this scenario, after all a merchant caravan needs well a caravan.  The 4 wheel one is from Great Escape Games, the 2 wheel with the horse is from Mantic and the the last one is a 3d print my mate Rob gave me.

Getting on the wagon
Getting on the wagon
Getting on the wagon

For the base for the wood I used stonewall grey (vallejo), which I washed with agrax earthshade.  Once that was dry I gave them a quick drybrush with stonewall grey again. For the metal parts I just used a dark brown. The cloth was done with canvas (vallejo) which was washed with agrax again.

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