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The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

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The Proxy Giant - Trying to Paint it Quickly - pt 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Hi everyone,

This week I decided to work on the giant.  This is a cheap model of a Storm Giant from Wizkids, that I am using as a proxy for a Mantic giant.  It is not as big as the Mantic giant, but it is inch for inch just as powerful (with all that lightening!).

The model comes pre-primed , but had a lot of mould lines and required a lot of cleaning. I then had to re-prime the model.

The next step was the paint the armour in the same quick method as the Ogrions. Then I painted the clothes as the Normalites.  This will tie the giant into the theme of the army.

The model comes pre-primed.The model comes pre-primed.
The mould lines were everywhere on the figure.The mould lines were everywhere on the figure.
A size comparison.A size comparison.
Cleaned and re-primed.Cleaned and re-primed.
I painted up the metallic parts first, in the same style as the Ogrions.I painted up the metallic parts first, in the same style as the Ogrions.
I based coated all the model.I based coated all the model.
I prepared the lightening and painted them up with transparent blue.I prepared the lightening and painted them up with transparent blue.

Next week I will simply highlight and shade the rest of the base colours.  Unless the end of the world hits us like a meteor, I should have this finished by next week.

Until then stay safe and have fun.


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