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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 1
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We played a scenario called This town ain’t big enough for both of us!  In it the two leaders start facing off against each other in the middle of the street while the rest of the gangs are scattered throughout the city. The leaders are deal three cards each and the players arrange what order to reveal them and for the first three turns cannot use any other cards. The rest of the gang activates as normal. The goal is to drive out or kill all opposing gang members.

Boss Spearman moves to take cover behind the stagecoach while Charlie Waite moves up to support him. The preacher exhorts the rival gangs to repent.  Boss Spearman moves to take cover behind the stagecoach while Charlie Waite moves up to support him. The preacher exhorts the rival gangs to repent.
Charlie Prince uses Doc Amos as cover as he crosses the street.  Charlie Prince uses Doc Amos as cover as he crosses the street.
Bull empties his pistol into Charlie Waite, missing every shot. He does it again then gives up and uses his fists to take Charlie out.  Bull empties his pistol into Charlie Waite, missing every shot. He does it again then gives up and uses his fists to take Charlie out.
The world’s worst sniper.  The world’s worst sniper.
The world’s second worst sniper and the last stand of the cowboys.  Outlaws win 4-3.  The world’s second worst sniper and the last stand of the cowboys. Outlaws win 4-3.

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Cult of Games Member

Terrorists.. I mean Outlaws… win

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