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KoW Elves are coming (finally)

KoW Elves are coming (finally)

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Clan Callathran

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 5
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In my imagination of Panathor, I’ll create a number of Elven Clans/Families with some brief potted history to add some flavour to future conflicts, civil strife etc.  The first of these is the Clan Callathran, famous for their skilled archers.  They represent the “traditional” Wood Elves and as a consequence, when I come to base them, I’ll be looking to create a scenic base of meadows, woods and forests.

The Family Callathran are (in my world) an ancient Elven clan famous for their archery and steadfastness in the face of enemies.  Their most prestigious victory was the so-called “War of the Wine Glass” where an invasion of thousands of Orcs & Goblins was repulsed by over 500 archers assembling and unleashing over 15,000 arrows in the space of 12 minutes (at least according to legend!) – about the time it takes to drink a small glass of sweet red wine.

The war was over before it began as Orcs and Goblins fell under the arrow storm, which blackened the sky and wrought havoc among their force.  The clan then became the core of future Elven armies in battles against all foes and they carry their bows with pride and a calm assurance.

Being reliant on their archers almost to exception, their lack of melee combat might become a factor depending on the enemy, the terrain, and the local conditions, but it will be interesting to test them in battle.  A smart battle plan will be vital, as well as use of defensive formations and effective cover.

Of course Madriga can be replaced by an Elven Prince or Archmage to add some additional melee ability.  Or at some future date an additional Tallspear Regiment can stiffen their melee resolve.

This force is archer heavy (naturally) and will comprise three regiments of Kindred Archers (120 points each), one Regiment of Kindred Tallspears (140 points), two Troops of Kindred Gladestalkers (130 points each) and led by Madriga (125 points) for a total of 755 points.This force is archer heavy (naturally) and will comprise three regiments of Kindred Archers (120 points each), one Regiment of Kindred Tallspears (140 points), two Troops of Kindred Gladestalkers (130 points each) and led by Madriga (125 points) for a total of 755 points.

The color scheme will follow the earlier examples, although I have omitted the step of a wash of Gunmetal, as this didn’t really add anything. Instead, I have highlighted those parts of the “sub-armor” with the same Gunmetal that seems to indicate some form of chainmail.

Otherwise the fact were whitened, Contrast Darkoath Flesh for their skin, and Gunmetal on all the other metal parts – helmets, swords etc.

I still am undecided on the colors of the shields and Spears, but am leaning now on having each clan equipped differently.  I’ll try to create a simple shield design to hand-draw later.

Initial painting begun.Initial painting begun.

The main armor will be Green (Foundry “Bright Green” 25), boots/gloves and sword Scabbards in various Leather effects.  I’m thinking YELLOW shields and Spears at this point.

Let’s see how that goes.

Happy Gaming

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