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Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

Ewok's Spring Clean Challenges 2024

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Tutoring 2
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Idea 5
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I’ve been mulling over spring clean projects and given the amount I have come up with I don’t want to be spamming every one of my projects at the wider community so I thought I could use this as a master list that refers back to the other projects.

So here is a list of possible projects :

  1. Finish my Gaslands War Rigs- done
  2. Finish my Bolt Action Aussies-done
  3. Build an ambush force of Riftforged Orcs -done
  4. Build and paint 5 bolt action vehicles- done
  5. Finish my 12mm WW2 stuff – getting it’s own project.
  6. Paint 3 of my printed buildings- done
  7. Rescue my trench project- done
  8. Paint a starter force for A War Transformed- adding to an Ewok transformed
  9. Paint my outstanding Silver Bayonet figures- getting their own project
  10. Paint my Doomed warband and 2 monsters -same time next year probably!
  11. Create some jungle terrain- moving to Drowned Earth project
  12. Paint my giants – getting their own project .

All in all not as much done as I hoped, but I got hobby done despite getting sidetracked so very much.

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