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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Bug Handlers

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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28th July 2024

These are not part of the core, but they were in with each of the giant mutant bugs. So, I thought I would just paint them too.

From the prime I used a couple of contrast paints (ork flesh and plaguebearer flesh) to lay down the core of the green that seems to be the science division uniform in the rulebook.

Bug Handlers

Next up I laid down the metallics for the piping, goggles, straps, belt and prod. Then orange for the tubes around their waists. The back tanks were painted in red.

Bug Handlers

Then it was a wash over the various bits (? ), some minor highlighting and painting up the brain in the same way as the other martians. The goggles were painted blue, with a lighter blue at the bottom and a spot of white at the top. Followed by a gloss varnish.

Bug Handlers

Finished off the bases, glued on the clear domes and they were done.

Bug Handlers
Bug Handlers

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