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The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

The Bronzecast Ogrions & the Normalites of Vanillashire.

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A Purpose for Perry Plastics - Normalite Light Cavalry - First unit

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Hi everyone,

A quick post tonight.  I have finished painting up my first troop of four cavalry units for my Ogrion army.

The painting was done in the same way, but the horses were painted in oils, because usin oils is way faster when painting wide areas.

The shields are over 20 years old from Citadel miniatures, and do not come in the plastic set from Perry miniatures.

The riders were painted like the rest of the Normalites but the horses were painted in oils.The riders were painted like the rest of the Normalites but the horses were painted in oils.
Painting horses in oils is very quick and easy.Painting horses in oils is very quick and easy.

Now I have to start the second unit of cavalry which I will paint in the same way.

Until next time, stay safe and have fun.


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