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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8

Todays endeavours started simply. Paint the screens either Incubi Darkness or Word Bearers Red.

Then I broke out the decals. These are the Displays & Screens Waterslide Transfers Decals by The Mighty Brush and they are extremely nice!
They can be bought on ebay or their webstore:

I used warm water with a drop of washing up liquid, as they suggest. They are quite sticky. Lost two decals and two have minor folds but an hours work got readouts on sll of the screens. They are being left to dry for 24 hours, again, as the included instructions suggest.

Once they are dried tomorrow, I will test painting over one of the smaller ones in Contrast to tint the white, to see if they reactivate. If successful, we’ll have a new post tomorrow!

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biggrimJerry Garcia’s Alligator Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Those look fantastic!

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