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Farewell Ye Olde Vikings!

Farewell Ye Olde Vikings!

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Finally, I Got Some Time To Paint.

Tutoring 7
Skill 12
Idea 11

Hi everyone,

Another short post this week.  Lately, I have been very busy at work and I have had no time to hobby – Yes I am miserably unhappy!  Hopefully, things should calm down in November onward.

In the meantime, I have started to paint up the first five miniatures for this ‘homage’.  The first five figures do not need any modifications, so I painted them up first.

The next five do need small conversions, mostly with the shield,, so I will paint them in the second stage of painting.

The Jarl in the middle is the focal point of the piece.The Jarl in the middle is the focal point of the piece.
Some simple shield designs.Some simple shield designs.

The shields belong to the ship.  I decided to keep them all the same – hence the shield choice.

Next will be the other two miniatures in the first quintet; an archer and berserker.  Until then stay safe and have fun.


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Cult of Games Member

Fantastic work on the figures an diorama @nightrunner congratulations for the gold button for them

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