Joy of Six – 6mm wargames show run by Baccus6mm and Wargames Emporium
Recommendations: 64
About the Project
Joy of Six is the world's foremost 6mm gaming show. It is being held, as it is every year, in Sheffield on Sunday 15th July 2018 This is my photo blog of this year's event. I will try to capture as many games as I can throughout the day.
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Completed
The set up for the show
The day begins bright and early all the gamers getting their games out.
The Traders Part 1
For those wishing to get in to the Joys of 6mm gaming here are some of the trade stands at the show
Rapier Miniatures
Brigade Models
Commission Figurines
GS Miniature Workshop
www.gsminatureworkshop.co.uk ( under construction at time of show)
Baccus6mm – Show Sponsor/Organiser
Megara - Yorkshire Renegades
The spledid ancient greek game based on the attack on Megara.
Zeebrugge Raid 1918 - Naval Wargames Society
This is the game I am involved with. We did this game at Salute, and have run it out again. It is the WW1 raid on Zeebrugge by the Royal Navy. Which was referred to by @oriskany in his fab ww1 article series.
Battle of Horka 1708 - Per Broden & Wyre Forest Gamers
A what if battle set during the Great Northern Wars. Russian v Sweden. On a 12’x5′ table the figures may be small but the battles are big.
Battle of Metz June 1918 - Robert Dunlop
Another WW1 game depicting the epic battle of Metz in June 1918
Napoleonic - Commission Figurines
This is a display table by Commission Figurines a purveyor of MDF 6mm figures as you can see they hold up well against their metal counterparts.
Ultra Fast Sci-Fi - Wakefield and District Gamers
Not all Historical or massed battles, 6mm works small sci-fi games. In this case a home brew set of rules which will be in the show programme at Recon 2018 on 1st December 2018
Classic DBA - Chesterfield Open Gaming Society
Classic DBA in 6mm fun for all the family, although apparently Pokemon is still better.. ?
Command & Colors Ancients - Wyre Forest Wargamers
6mm figures can be used in many ways for example to add a bit of depth to the Command and Colors system.
Wesel Cubed - Cold War Commanders
Even the Cold War gets some serious love with this awesome 18′ X 6′ table.
Battle of Britain - Grantham & District Gamers
Air combat in 1/300 scale using Check your 6 rules.
Second World War 1944 Game - Mailed Fist
A classic Second World War Game
DBMM - Milton Keynes Wargaming Society
Another classic wargame using 6mm figures.
Future War Commander - Maidenhead and District Wargames Society
Interesting use of Mirror balls for this sci-fi game.
Operation Excess - Swindon and District Gamers
Second World War 1/300 scale game depicting an attack by the Germans on HMS Illustrious using an Ark Royal Model. Using a rule set called Bag the Hun, with a few tweaks.
Traders Part 2
Traders continued
Leven Miniatures
Horics and Ros
Manchester 1642 - Baccus 6mm
English Civil War street fighting in Manchester.
Battletech - Bradford Battletech Battalion
Even well established universe’s can be played in 6mm
And it's done...
It’s just gone 4pm and the show has closed. Hopefully this little blog has given you an insight into just how versitile 6mm can be. The show will return in 2019, hope to see all you newly converted 6mm gamers there.?