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Kill Team – genestealer cult (Redirect)

Kill Team – genestealer cult (Redirect)

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Project Blog by dugthefug1644 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 71

About the Project

I fell in love with all the hype around Kill Team. I had considered getting into the last version, but knew too little about 40k at the time. I started hobbying in 40k with the Dark Imperium box and have been looking forward to the new Kill Team rules since it was announced. The new box gave me a bite at 2 factions I had never played before and had been especially interested in the tyrinids and genestealers since playing Space Crusade as a kid. This is my journey into building, painting and playing with my genestealer Kill Team. Update*** The enthusiasm was short lived. The genestealer cults minis were primed and hidden in a box. I am still looking forward to the terrain and have been using parts of these minis in Stargrave projects. I have decided that since a new Kill Team edition has come and gone I don't think I will keep up and change rules, I never really fell in love with the first version. I am taking the genestealers into the under hive and play Necromunda with them instead.

This Project is Active

Token something

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Found some official tokens online as a pdf.Found some official tokens online as a pdf.
Double sided tokens and the printout was pretty close to spot on when cutting them out. Laminated and cut out ready for a game when I get that far.Double sided tokens and the printout was pretty close to spot on when cutting them out. Laminated and cut out ready for a game when I get that far.

Birthday present.

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Got the rules for my birthday. Getting a set of dice and starting to visit online to list build my Genestealers Got the rules for my birthday. Getting a set of dice and starting to visit online to list build my Genestealers

I was able to find the Genestealer list building rules online. I asked some questions on the Necromunda World Facebook page and they suggested Yaktribe as a useful list builder.

It has been fun to use so far. I got some list building advice from some YouTube videos.

I also started considering the next step of creating a gang to fight. The idea of Chaos Helots as an option looked appealing because I already have Blackstone Fortress Chaos Cultists and other Chaos Cult minis to paint and make my list. The new Wargames Atlantic Gamefound minis look ideal too.

I also picked up some of the cool bulkhead Kill Team / Combat Patrol terrain to bulk out my Sci-Fi terrain collection.I also picked up some of the cool bulkhead Kill Team / Combat Patrol terrain to bulk out my Sci-Fi terrain collection.
eBay provided some secondhand Necromunda dice with some of my birthday money.eBay provided some secondhand Necromunda dice with some of my birthday money.

The Alpha

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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My Kelermorph three armed gunslinger is a miniature I have wanted for ages, but never had the excuse to buy it. Now that this guy is viable in Necromunda that gives me the opportunity to pick it up. I also won a prize draw for a £10 voucher at the Chaos Cards website, so the stars practically aligned and demanded that I buy it..My Kelermorph three armed gunslinger is a miniature I have wanted for ages, but never had the excuse to buy it. Now that this guy is viable in Necromunda that gives me the opportunity to pick it up. I also won a prize draw for a £10 voucher at the Chaos Cards website, so the stars practically aligned and demanded that I buy it..

More detail

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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The power pick is meant to be good in game. Shotguns are meant to be good. I can't take any responsibility for making good choices as I had made the basic build from the Kill Team boxes before considering a Necromunda gang.The power pick is meant to be good in game. Shotguns are meant to be good. I can't take any responsibility for making good choices as I had made the basic build from the Kill Team boxes before considering a Necromunda gang.
Jokaero orange is less fierce than the trollslayer type orange. When it was washed with Agrax Earthshade it looked ok, but I did need to go back in with highlights of the Jokaero orange. I left the Grey Seer shoulder pads with no wash and was happy the way that they stand out as a result.Jokaero orange is less fierce than the trollslayer type orange. When it was washed with Agrax Earthshade it looked ok, but I did need to go back in with highlights of the Jokaero orange. I left the Grey Seer shoulder pads with no wash and was happy the way that they stand out as a result.
There's a loin cloth on some of the minis that only seems to be there as a cult identifier rather than having a role. I used Sigvald Burgundy as a base for the red cloth and the cult clothes. I used Army Painter Pure Red as a highlight on some and Vallejo Game Colour Bloody Red  on others just for variety.There's a loin cloth on some of the minis that only seems to be there as a cult identifier rather than having a role. I used Sigvald Burgundy as a base for the red cloth and the cult clothes. I used Army Painter Pure Red as a highlight on some and Vallejo Game Colour Bloody Red on others just for variety.
I used Iyanden Yellow contrast paint for the over the shoulder lamps. I used snakebite leather contrast paint on the boots and pouches, but for variety also heavy highlighted with Rhinox Hide and Mournfang Brown occasionally. The metal work was a mix of Leadbelcher or Stormhost Silver hit with Nulin Oil wash. There was also some Retributor Armour washed down with Reikland Fleshshade on the cult symbols and parts of the weaponry.I used Iyanden Yellow contrast paint for the over the shoulder lamps. I used snakebite leather contrast paint on the boots and pouches, but for variety also heavy highlighted with Rhinox Hide and Mournfang Brown occasionally. The metal work was a mix of Leadbelcher or Stormhost Silver hit with Nulin Oil wash. There was also some Retributor Armour washed down with Reikland Fleshshade on the cult symbols and parts of the weaponry.

The big guns

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
I didn't make a conscious choice for the team's loadout. Just built as prescribed in the guide. I really enjoyed a self set challenge of avoiding painting the Seismic gun another mix of metallics.  I didn't make a conscious choice for the team's loadout. Just built as prescribed in the guide. I really enjoyed a self set challenge of avoiding painting the Seismic gun another mix of metallics.
The big guns


Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I went with orange as the under clothing, red for the loin cloths / over clothes and off white body armour.I went with orange as the under clothing, red for the loin cloths / over clothes and off white body armour.
The shoulder pads are getting a grey seer coat just for some definition, there's plenty of brown and black leather keeping their kit together. Had fun with some blue spots to the skin and a lot of washes to make it fairly grimy. The shoulder pads are getting a grey seer coat just for some definition, there's plenty of brown and black leather keeping their kit together. Had fun with some blue spots to the skin and a lot of washes to make it fairly grimy.

New edition, new direction

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I made the minis following the directions from the box. I didn’t make this project a priority and only played a quick game of Kill Team with some of my Deathguard minis instead. I don’t like the direction of the new edition of Kill Team has taken so won’t be getting the new rules. I have decided that this Genestealer set will become a necromunda force instead.

New edition, new direction

Starting beyond the box.

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Starting beyond the box.

I watched a Kill Team unboxing by Ash Barker (GMG YouTube channel) and he offered a piece of information few of the other unboxers had done. That the genestealer miniatures in the box, even when maxed out to the best possible weapons and load outs in the game, would not reach the advised 100 points they suggest that you play the game at.

With this in mind I grabbed the new rule book and my bits box and looked to see whether I could boost the point count without purchasing whole sprues or boxes of extra product.

I own GW mini game Lost Patrol, which has Tyranids chasing scouts in it. I have spare arms and heads from the build of Lost Patrol.

I read that there is a genestealer varient called an Aberrant that was basically armed with strong Tyranid style arms, usually 3, and meant for close combat work.

I knew that what I had wasn’t really going to be close enough to the GW very buff and pretty big models from the studios, but I felt I could make something that people would still be willing to play against and would ultimately meet the brief of a strong, hammer or pick wielding genestealer hybrid.

I used 2 Lost Patrol Tyranid arms, I used a Celtic warrior legs and torso from Warlord Games to give me the well cut chest and six pack I wanted. I packed out the shoulders under a ripped shirt made of greenstuff and added some off cuts of Tyranid claw parts growing out of his right boot, to continue the mutated theme. I stuck some pieces of sprue to the back to imitate the protruding spine that the aberrant’s seem to have.

I added some blood around the spine to try to narrate that the mutation had been more sudden than the usual generational incremental growth usually associated with the cults.

He will probably look like a runt of the litter when compared to any other aberrants I may meet or end up with, but I am happy how he turned out.

The basing has a greenstuff cable leading to a light fitting that is from the terrain sprue that comes with the box set.

The hammer is from a Mantic Games, Kings of War bits box with a greenstuff cable added, to try and drag it away from Fantasy and into Science Fiction.

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