Goblin wolf riders
Recommendations: 126
About the Project
After read the skarsnik novel while on hoilday I got the goblin itch and had to paint some.
Related Game: Warhammer Fantasy Battles
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Completed
Started on some old models from the Warhammer Quest box set
Painted these up and then got a box of wolf riders.
Started by primeing black. Then grey at a 45o angle and the white from above.
Then a wash all over with army painter dark tone
Next is a dry brush of wolf Grey.
Red wash one teeth and mouth areas. Then a flesh wash on the claws. Black on the nose and a coat of tinny tin on metal work.
An evening of buliding
Starting with five archers and then five spears to spilt up the models a bit.
Base coats on Goblins
Started base coats on goblins. Started with Dark green thin coat over the skin and then leather brown on straps and belts followed by beasty brown on the trousers and a coat of necromancer cloak on the tops/shirts. Next up was the charred brown on all the wood and finally tinny tin on all the metal parts.