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Age of Sigmar skirmish warband. Death

Age of Sigmar skirmish warband. Death

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Project Blog by svboel

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About the Project

Im starting to get a bit in to age of sigmar, and skirmish seemed like a good option. So me and my mates decided to start a campaign with 30 points of renown. So the project will both be a paint guide, and a paint reminder for me (I sometimes forget the paints i use.... ;) ) And at the same time i will tell my background story for my warband, and how they fare in the campaign.

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Trying out the rules of AOS skirmish

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Me and my mate had a little warband clash, trying out the rules. And i must say its very fast passed and very fun. We will probably take a couple of to learn the rules better, before we start our campaign.

He used a Free Guild General on foot, with pistol and sigmarate mace as his leader.  He had two Free Guild Archers, and 2 Great swords, with both having a champion them.

Battle in Dessert, with snow....

The complete warband!

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From the Front From the Front
From one side ;)From one side ;)
From the backFrom the back
From the other side ;DFrom the other side ;D

Painting the The boss Lady

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I wanted to play a bit with some paints, and the easy ghost scheeme I seen people do with GW Nihilakh Oxide.

For starters then primed the model with GW Skull white. I then painted the main part of her dress in GW Fenris Grey.  I washed it with GW Coelia Greenshade and then drybrushed it with GW Fenris Grey

The middel part of dress, i painted like the cloth on the other troops.

Her hair was painted usind GW Khorne Red, washed with GW Atrahax Earthshade, and then drybrushed with Army Painter Lava Orange

Her jeweler was painted with GW Liberator Gold.

Her skin, face and breasts was basically washed it with Nihilakh Oxide. After it dryed, it tried some edge highlighting with GW White Scare both on her breast, face and fingers, and where oxide was a bit to heavey. I then gave her eyes a drop of GW Coelia Greenshade

The rest of the warriors!

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Skeleton warriors! Da da (sorry old cartoon series)

The Black Knight

Painting all the bling and other stuff.

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Some of the other colors i used for the small details was Army Painter Weapon Bronze for the shields and some part of  the helmets and weapons. GW Lead Bealcher was used for the weapons.  Some small leather belts was painted with GW Steel Legion Drab. GW Khorne Red was used for a single shield to the Black Knight, and for some bits on the helmets.

All the paints above was washed with GW Atrax Earthshade, and then the red parts where high lighted with Army Painter Lava Orange.


Her we have the black knight with all the colors, before the shield was glued on.Her we have the black knight with all the colors, before the shield was glued on.

Gallery of the progress of the Grave :)

The primer, and colors !

Tutoring 1
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The whole group, beside the the banshee was sprayed black, and a the banshee got a white undercoat. I did not glue the shields on, to make it easier to paint.

I started by getting some base paints down on the models, i used the black primer on.

I used GW Rakarth Flesh for the bones, around two thin coats. Afterwards I gave it a layer of GW Ushabti Bone, and a wash of GW Agrax Eathshade. When the wash i have dried i gave it a heavy drybrush of GW Ushabti bone, and then a light drybrush of GW Screaning Skull

I decided that all the armors, had to be purple and all the cloth had to be a dark green, close to ghostly green.

For the armor i used GW Naggrath Night as the base color, and gave it a wash of GW Drushi Violet. After wards i highlighted the the armor with GW Fenris Grey, both using edge highlights, and dry brushing.

For the cloth i used a GW Incubi Darkness as the base paint, and wash of GW Nuln oil. For the highlight I first used GW Kabalite Green, again both edge highlight and drybrush. Afterwards I gave it a light highlight with GW  Sybarite Green using both methods abouve.

I was pretty happy with the result.



Almost ready for more paint Almost ready for more paint

Building the warband

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So to start with i have to chose a grand alliance (death, destruction, chaos and order). You then have the option to mix you list with every subfaction in the grand alliance. Exp you can have both stormcast, free guild and even some deepkins in the same order warband.


I chose death, because im an Vampire Count player from back in days (still is) Besides the points limit, for a game of skirmish you warband needs one hero and at least two other models.

I had a lot of good option of troops and heroes too choose from.



The Banshe list!

I made a list of mixed skeleton units, some basic and some more elite warriors.

Tomb Banshee (the leader)

Grave Guard Champion (a bit more elite troop)

Black Knight Champion (a bit more elite troop)

Skeleton Warrior Champion (standard)

2 Skeleton Warrior (standard)

Its a bit of mixed models. The tomb banshee and Grave Guard is from 6th edetion warhammer fantasy if memory serves me right. The skeleton warriors and the black knight are the current sold from GW.

If you want to try making you own warbands, GW have made a free army builder for skirmish the link is below.

Warscroll Builder


Building the warband

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