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Kensei Armies for ongoing story.

Kensei Armies for ongoing story.

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Project Blog by joshfox0

Recommendations: 13

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Project log for the Sazama and Sessho-seki stories & their related armies from Taking place in the world of Kensei

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Battle at Hachiman Betsuin

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Makoto-Do members and local farmers vs Sazama at Hachiman Betsuin.
During the rice wars there were two groups who had heard there was a famous Komuso talking at a local temple/shrine complex and desiring their services the two groups converged. The Sazama for the services they could provide to their overlords and for the Makoto to help a local village try to dispel an oni-baba who kept eating their animals!
Surprisingly when they arrived they instead found two komuso who were on the verge of coming to blows with each other!