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Fateslayer Kickstarter Models

Fateslayer Kickstarter Models

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Project Blog by danlee Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 5

About the Project

I backed this kickstarter and ordered four models: the huntress, the huntsman, moros, and the soul sovereign. I plan to paint them up for use in Kingdom Death Monster.

This Project is Completed

Assembled models and first painting session

Tutoring 0
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Idea 1
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The huntressThe huntress

The huntress went together ok except for gluing on the axe. It attaches at both wrists and they are very fine joints.

I undercoated zandri dust and then painted the skin with successive layers of bugman’s glowcadian fleshtone, then kislev flesh. The cloth was painted celestra grey and then highlighted ulthuan grey. Her hair was painted warlock purple and highlighted with emperor’s children.

The huntsmanThe huntsman

The huntsman also went together ok except that I needed to use a little greenstuff around his neck where the head didn’t quite go on properly. Also his feet didn’t end up glued to the correct parts of the rocks.


The huntsman was painted in the same way as the huntress except his hair was painted naggaroth night and highlighted genestealer purple.

Soul sovereignSoul sovereign

This model has only been assembled and undercoated so far. I’ll probably tackle it last. I think I’ll use it as a test model for my Age of Sigmar Nighthaunt army.


Even following the instructions on the Kickstarter page I wasn’t sure where each of the arms and heads were supposed to go. The peg and sockets on the parts also didn’t fit properly so I clipped off the pegs and just had to guess where everything went. I little greenstuff was required where the three heads touched the neck.


I’ll paint this one after the huntsman and huntress. I’ll try some unusual skin tones to go with the tentacles and mutation.

Huntsman and Huntress finished

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I wanted these models to represent early survivors, so their weapons are crafted from bone and their clothes are screaming antelope hide.


For the bone I layered ushabti bone and screaming skull. For the antelope hide I used rhinox hide with doombull brown and tuskgor fur highlights. The wooden hafts are mournfang brown with skrag brown and deathclaw brown highlights.


The models are finished with a seraphim sepia wash all over. I’m doing this with all my Knigdom Death models to tie them in together.


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I wanted Moros to have bruised red skin and be wearing rags so that he appeared as a dejected mutant.


The skin was painted Bugman’s glow, then washed carroburg crimson. A wash of druchii violet was applied in the recesses and then kislev flesh was layered on, leaving the ends of the tentacles more red in colour.


The rags were washed with athonian camoshade and then highlighted with ogryn camo followed by flayed one flesh.

I’m happy with what I have done so far but there is nothing to draw your eye to the focal point of the model. In fact I’m not even sure what the focal point is.


Does anyone have some suggestions for helping the model to “pop”? There is a thick bracelet around the left wrist that I haven’t done anything with yet, and the tentacles have boils that could be picked out in a different colour.

Moros completed

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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Moros completed

With the principle colours being red and a brown/yellow I decided the best spot colour to add would be blue to complete a triadic colour scheme.


So the boils and wrist band were painted caledor sky, highlighted with lothern blue and then glazed with guilliman blue. The boils were then given a layer of gloss varnish to make them look oozy.

Soul sovereign and nighthaunt colour scheme test

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I decided to use the soul sovereign as a colour scheme test mini for my nighthaunts. I want to have a very quick and easy scheme that I can quickly roll out across my entire nighthaunt army.


I started by re-spraying the model with a chaos black undercoat and then using a skull white spray to apply a zenith highlight.


The bone areas were painted ushabti bone, the skin was painted pallid wych flesh, the wood mournefang brown and the metal areas either warplock bronze or leadbelcher. I then gave the entire model a wash with hexwraith flame.


I think the model just needs a bit of drybrushing to help it pop and then I just need to finish the base.

After applying base coloursAfter applying base colours
After applying the washAfter applying the wash

Soul sovereign finished

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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I finished the model off with a drybrush of hellion green.


Overall the colour scheme doesn’t appear as ethereal as the “standard” nighthaunt colour scheme, but it is very quick and easy to reproduce.

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