Civs Foray into Frostgrave
Recommendations: 154
About the Project
So my local gaming group are to start a frostgrave campaign in the new year and after finishing my Napoleonic forces im looking to paint up some less than historical minis for my warband. I have settled on an enchanter, i like the idea of a hand on wizard who likes to tinker with materials and items making them more than mere wood and stone (no reflection of my hobby at all!). So without further ado here is the start of that Frostgrave story...
Related Game: Frostgrave
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is On Hold
A brave knight
Another awesome 3d print model done by titan forge. Had to get her into my warband so started putting on paint.
Currently WIP due to a real drought in any hobby time.
Frostgrave 2 Update
With frostgrave 2 delivered just before lockdown I thought I had best get my butt in gear and finally finish my frostgrave gang.
I now have 3 infantrymen, 3 thugs, 2 thieves, 2 archers and a cross bowman.
Next I will need to decide on what kind of wizard school to play as I have about 12 3d printed wizards and at least one of them needs to get painted for when the gang get their next outing into the frozen city.
The frozen city
So i had my first game of Frostgrave and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly we managed to pick up the rule and flow of the game.
My enchanter and apprentice hired 2 thieves, 4 thugs and 2 archers from a local tavern and went off in search of treasure in the frozen city.
They soome came across an elementalist and their all female retinue (sisters of sigmar models from Mordheim). We quickly came to blows as my archers started taking potshots at the opposing wizard whilst the enemy apprentice started throwing elemental bolts back.
I soon lost both my wizard and apprentice to these bolts (some good rolling killed them both outright!) But they had not been idle and had used telekenisis to drag some treasure tokens closer to my board edge.
I managed to sneak off the board with my thieves both bagging a treasure token each. But the one that would win me the game was being run down by a full warband intent on doing the poor thug harm.
I threw some thugs in the warbands way and one of the plighty thugs managed to knock out two of his opposing number in a straight up fight, mvp awarded right there.
A few lucky initiative rolls and my archer managing to knock out the opposing wizard managed to see me make off with the last treasure securing me the win!
A very close but enjoyable game, quite quick to which made it fun.
The after action saw two of my warband permanently dead which wasnt bad considering i lost all but 3 of my crew. My wizard gained two levels and got 200 gold and 5 scrolls which i will probably sell.
As this was a practice game none of this will be used but we wanted to test out the whole process.
A campaign starts i 2 weeks so its for real soon. Better get to finishing the painting.
Restarting the Project
Our club has decided to start a frostgrave campaign and so i have a reason to kick the project off again (whilst i wait for my extra 6mm items to arrive).
Ive gone with a green colour i liked and have decided to go with some rich greens and reds complemented (hopefully) by a bright off-white colour. I like my models to pop a bit so thats where we are going.
Ive got two more models for my warband (two thieves) that im going to paint in slightly darker colours to reflect their sneakier nature.
Frostgrave diversion - My own grimoire
So ive not managed to get any quality hobby time but managed to sneak in some cutting and pasting so ive made my own spell cards to help during gameplay.
Ive also changed my mind on the warband, a few of the original models were a bit too barbarian and i felt others didnt fit the aesthetic so out they went.
I have ordered the frostgrave soldier box so i can make some thugs and thieves for my starter band. After seeing some painted versions and the utility of the set im sold on them more than the female box set.
Hopefully in Jan i will actually be a able to get a game but i can see life taking over.
The warband
So i scrapped together some spare models i had that seemed to fit the bill and theme of frostgrave. Most of the models are from a kickstarter i backed which i cannot for the life of me remember any details about. The rest are from hasslefree and are purchases i have made throughout the years becasue i thought the models looked cool.
The next steps with these guys is to snip them off their tabs and pin them to the bases i have created. I will probably look to get some other models as in the early stages you tend to rely on thugs and thieves and i am currently short of both. Its also a good excuse to get one of the frostgrave plastic boxes and see what i can make from them, i have my eye on the latest female only box to give some variation to the force.
I will be getting a list together before finalising my first warband so i dont spend loads of time painting up a mini only to use it once on the battlefield.
Im excited to get a game in just as a run through so i may end up just taking what i have and seeing how we get on.
Getting the basing ready
For anyone who doesnt know Frostgrave is set in a cold, wintery ruined city. I wanted to capture this on the models basing (plus i love a good snow base).
I bought some rollers from greenstuff world a little while back, and whilst i had a chance to use the plank effect one on my royal marines i had yet to try out the cobblestone one i bought. I had also purchased the height adjusters for the rollers as this really helps get a consistent(ish) finish to the bases.
I bought some milliput to use as the basing material and started rolling. I first used water to stop the milliput sticking to the roller (being used to greenstuff i thought this was a good idea). It turns out this just makes it so much worse, DO NOT USE WATER!
After cleaning up the roller and washing off the sticky milliput i went the other way and put some talc powder over the roller and the milliput. This is the way i am going to keep doing this as it worked a charm. The overlap from pressing the milliput was sliced off using a sharp scalple which was also easier than i thought.
Using up all the milli put i had mixed i managed to get 17 bases covered (some not quite completely). Im very pleased with the result and now i have the technique refined i can keep producing these bases or elements of on my other projects.
Once painted up i am going to add some snow effect to the bases to really tie them into the eternal city of winter that is frostgrave.