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Maledrakh’s all things Nurgle

Maledrakh’s all things Nurgle

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Project Blog by maledrakh

Recommendations: 42

About the Project

For some reason, Nurgle has always been the Warhammer Chaos power closest to my heart. Might be because Grandfather Nurgle's gifts are the kinds that keeps on giving!

So here I will collect the contagion and document the outbreak with any newish Nurgle minis I paintm otherwise to be found in my blog

Remember to wear protective gear at all times. High Contagion Hazard!

This Project is Active

Epidemius the Tallyman

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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I mostly buy GW miniatures second hand or heavily discounted off ebay or forums, especially expensive character models like this one. Of course that means that they sometimes arrive in a state that leaves something to be desired. This one had many broken parts and needed alot of TLC before it was ready to paint.  I used a fair bit of plastic putty. At least it cleaned up well. (sic!). I hope I put it together right, I think there might be a small piece or two missing.



I painted it a bit sloppily, after priming black and a zenithal in grey,  drybrushing different fleshtones here and there. and dabbed different colours all over the nurglings, and dumped Druuchi Violet and Athonian Camoshade shade over most of it. Sp,e Nihilakh Oxide did for the metals. A bit of careful drybrushing and Nurgle’s your uncle.

I’m sure I could have spent hours on end putting little dots in all the Nurglins eyes and teeth, colouring in all the little maggots and all that. but I didn’t so there you are. I went for a fuzzy Cheshire Cat Nurgle smile on the main flag, as Father Nurgle watches over us all and is pleased.

On the base I made slime-trail stripes in plastic putty and painted the whole thing black. Then I used Nurgles Rot green glossy gunk on the trail and around the bottom bits of the Nurglngs, the rest was my black flock mix, as no living plants can survive so close…


Epidemius, Tallyman of Nurgle

Games Workshop

Chaos Daemon (Nurgle) faction

Finecast Resin or whatever they call it these days.

65mm base

currently available from

The Maggotkin Lord of Plagues

Tutoring 0
Skill 5
Idea 2
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For the Age of Sigmar Chaos Nurgle army.

The Maggotkin Lord of Plagues.


Skin was done in pale blue, Citadel Druuchi Violet Shade and Citadel Athonian Camoshade at the same time.

The armour is painted in much the same way as the Heartbreaker plague warriors.

This establishes the style of the mortal part of the army.


Lord of Plagues

Warhammer Age of Sigmar

Nurgle Maggotkin faction

HIPS Polystyrene

40mm base

Bubble, Boil, and Trouble

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
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The three something-chaos warriors from Heartbreaker Hobbies from the Spring Cleaning, finished. I post them here as well as they are for the Armies of Nurgle.


I call them Bubble, Boil and Trouble, the Plague Brothers.



(Most of) the cloak is the only bit I kept from the original paint.






How I painted them is documented in that post.


Plague Warrriors (I am actually unsure about what they were called)

Sculpted by Chaz Elliot

Released by Heartbreaker Hobbies, 1992

made in metal, with converted weapons.

32mm 3D-printed bases

The Gellerpox Infected -Kill Team: Rogue Trader

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 3
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The Blanche is strong with this one.

As a fan of Warhammer 40k since it was called Rogue Trader, I have found the new direction of the post-Kirby era GW to be uplifting and with the release of many interesting minis I have begun spending money on them again.

Kill Team: Rogue Trader is one such set I have bought recently.

The Gellerpox Infected are the “bad guys” of the set. Formerly crewmembers and shipboard vermin that have been granted some of Grandfather Nurgles gifts (you know, the ones that keep on giving!) and have …evolved.


The leader:


Vulgrar Thrice-Cursed.  A multi-limbed monstrosity with a belly-flamer and fleshripper claws. Seems to be made up of the former chief engineer, the junior engineer, the engineers’ mate, and the boiler as the starship is steam-powered(!?)


The three plague hulks:


Gnasher-Screamer. Formerly the ship’s cook and galley crew.



Big Spike. aka brundlerhinofly



The Writher. aka the seafoodman


The 3 Vox-Shamblers


Grummax, Puglox and the Herg


The Glitchlings


Diminutive Daemons of Nurgle featuring diseased claws and fangs


The Eyestinger Swams


Mutoid vermin with spawning barbs


The Sludge-Grubs


“Small” writhing maggots who attack with fanged maw, stinger and acid spit


The Cursemites


Insectoid horrors each with a bloodsucking proboscis


I wish GW could keep releasing sets like this with wonderfully varied set of monstrous mutants! I know it is not going to happen, but still. Love ’em!



The Gellerpox Infected

from the Kill Team: Rogue Trader set

Chaos Nurgle faction

Warhammer 40k & Kill Team

HIPS plastic

40mm and 25mm bases.

Forge World's Herald of Nurgle

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Forge World’s Herald of Nurgle! I like this one so much better than the GW Plaguebearer herald mini, which I think is rather uninspired.

Half man, half slug, half robot, all baby sitter!




This is the companion piece to the Forge World Daemon Prince of Nurgle I recently painted, and comes in the same set.

I painted it in much the same way, the slug body mainly brown and sand with assorted ink washes. The robot arm was done in Scalecolor black metal, overdaubed with several shades of oranges and Scalecolour Caribbean Blue, and brown quickshade ink.


Herald of Nurgle

Forge World


40mm base

Forge World's Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Forge World’s Daemon Prince of Nurgle! I like this one so much better than the GW space marine daemon prince mini.



I bought this second hand some time ago, and now that I have looked at the forgeworld site to see what the name of this mini actually is (turns out it is “Daemon Prince of Nurgle”. For some reason I thought it was a named character.) I see that I am missing a second hose part between the barrel and the weapon arm. Oh well. I won’t be bothering with that bit then now that it is painted, after all it is not as if I missed it neither when building nor painting.


I painted it as follows: First an airbrushed black undercoat followed by a light grey zenithal. On top of this I sprayed some thin leathery brown and bone-ish colour (don’t remember exactly which ones, they are Vallejo model or game Air at any rate. I did this some time ago).

Now that I put this one on my painting table, I drybrushed the whole thing fairy heavily with a pale flesh colour, followed by dabbing a lot of different colours here and there when I had some colour left over on my palette. (I often have some unfinished, not really abandoned pieces just standing around my desk that I give a semi-random coat of colour to now and then, with only a partial idea of how I want them to end up,  gradually completing them over a fairly long period of time. Right now this was actually the last one of those. I will need to pick some random minis to start off again soon. At some point the semi-random painting reaches critical mass and I complete the mini.)

At any rate, critical mass was achieved and I decided to finish it. After making sure that everything that needed colour had some, I gave it a heavy wash of Citadel Druchii Violet Wash, together with Athonian Camoshade and some dabbings of Carroburg Crimson and Coelia Greenshade washes here and there. All applied while the previous wash was still wet.

Knocking back the resulting purple by carefully drybrushing with several fleshtones, the gun-barrels and the barrel-barrel were done in Scale 75 Black Metal, followed by heavy rusting and weathering with oranges and light turquoise. The unwashed (greatly unclean!) apron was touched up with some light grey, Teeth and nails in bone-tones and the barrel was finished with some Battlefront Sicily Yellow and some Pale Flesh for that Fallout radiotoxic barrel-feel.

I did the base in black flock, using a dark brown bushtuft with black flock glued on to represent the aura of decay surrounding the Prince killing off the vegetation around him.


And that ‘lil nurgling taking a bath in the barrel is just so cute!


Daemon Prince of Nurgle

Warhammer 40.000 / Age of Sigmar Chaos factions

Forge World


65mm base

Urutaa: A Plague of Daemons

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
No Comments

Urutaa is a Maori word meaning “pestilence” and “plague” and “fever”. It is also a sound that evokes “METAL!”. So I will call the whole army Urutaa. Because they kill you FILTHY!

I bought heavily into the new editon 40k and especially the Death Guard when they were released. At the same time I also bought some Daemons of Nurgle (Starting with the Blightwar set) as I always have been more partial to Nurgle than the other chaos gods and these would be a good fit both for the Death Guard and for my budding Maggotkin army for Age of Sigmar. Or so the self-justification for spending all that money on some rather expensive plastic went.

And, as usual, I am getting round to them late. I begin with these Plaguebearers to establish the esthetic I would like to have across the army.





How I painted these:

I started with a grey undercoat, and further undercoated by spray in an orangy leather brown from below and a sandy yellow brown from above. On top of this I painted assorted details in a lot of different colours, mostly purples and reds with a dash of green here and there. Light grey for the horns, dark brown for the claws. Pink for eyes. The weapons were basecoated in Scalecolour Caribbean Blue (a bright turquoise that is more or less the same as citadel nihilakh oxide) and drybrushed heavily with Vallejo Tinny Tin (a dark bronze like the old Citadel Tin Bitz).

When I had had enough of dotting in bits and slopping on slashes of colour here and there I gave each mini including the weapons a heavy wash of Citadel Druuchi Violet Wash followed immediately when still wet with a moderate to heavy wash of just the head and upper body with Citadel Athonian Camoshade Wash (which is a greenish brown or a brownish green). This has the effect of clearing off much of the violet leaving the filthy green, and also mixing with the violet at the edges, creating a nice gradual colour transition effect.

I take care to avoid the washes pooling by drawing off most of the pools with a damp brush.

Also, the violet interacts with the sandy and orangy brown beneath, creating a rather splendig purple tone. It really is much more easy to do than it looks!

When the washes are dry, I go over some of the details such as eyes and teeth, and add some more colour here and there.

On the bases, I first glued down some black flock around the feet, and when dry I added a few appropriately dead-looking tufts and my normal flockmix. The effect is to illustrate how they pollute the ground they are walking on.

I am pleased with the results, it is a slighly more labourious method than I did for my older plaguebearers:

but is still quite quick and easy, and also looks much better.

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