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Fyreslayer Lodge Caengan – Warhammer Underworlds Painting Log

Fyreslayer Lodge Caengan – Warhammer Underworlds Painting Log

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Project Blog by brennon

Recommendations: 59

About the Project

Working alongside Lance, Sam and Ryan to bring to life a Warhammer Underworlds Warband to use in games when I get over to them at HQ!

This Project is Active

Fjul-Grimnir Finished!

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I managed to finish off the second miniature from The Chosen Axes set last week. Here we have the leader of the group, Fjul-Grimnir.

Fjul-Grimnir Finished!

Again, I really enjoyed getting stuck into painting this miniature. The purple skin has been coming out a little darker than I’d imagined but I think it still works for the Realm Of Shadow that they dwell in.

Fjul-Grimnir Finished!

I really enjoyed working on the beard here and getting that two-tone look working. I think I’m going to do similar things for the other Duardin as well now, maybe with a red or something in the mix.

Fjul-Grimnir Finished!

I have also come to actually like the sculpted bases for these miniatures too. I think they do need a LOT of attention to not just look flat but otherwise, they pop really nicely.

This has been a really neat way to get myself painting some more from Age Of Sigmar and enjoying the world.

I don’t think I’ll be playing the proper mass battle game any time soon but it’s neat to have more options for Warhammer Underworlds.

First Finished Miniature!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 7
1 Comment

I was able to power through last night and get the first miniature from the warband completed. This was as much a test piece as it was a chance to get something quickly and neatly to the tabletop.

First Finished Miniature!

This fellow is Vol Orrukbane and I think the scheme worked really well!

It started with two base layers of Genestealer Purple and finished with a wash of Druchii Violet to finish off the skin.

Weapons and armour were painted in a mix of Ironbelcher and Retributor Armour whilst additional details were done in Khorne Red, Rakarth Flesh, Gorthor Brown and then given a wash with Agrax Earthshade.

First Finished Miniature!

The base was rimmed with the same Gorthor Brown and had a blast of Adeptus Battlegrey before being drybrushed with Rakarth Flesh to bring to life before getting a sprinkling of flock to break it up a bit.

I might go back and add more detail to the axe, adding some balefire into the axe head and perhaps changing the colour of the haft to make it less ‘uniform’ but otherwise I’m proud of how it turned out!

Inspiration For The Project

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So, the inspiration for this project came from reading the Fyreslayers Battletome and learning about the Lodge of Caengan. These Duardin dwell within the Realm Of Ulgu (Shadows).

They have made pacts with the Shadowkin and Shroudling Kings there in a hunt for ur-gold and I thought that would be a perfect theme for a band of Fyreslayers sent to Shadespire.

This also meant that I was going to try something different. It’s no use being a flaming wild Duardin in the mists is it…so, I began painting them as Duergar!

Inspiration For The Project

The theme features purple/pink skin which is inspired by the Duergar of Dungeons & Dragons.

Inspiration For The Project

The idea is that the Shroudling Kings have offered them extra protection in the mists of their realm. This meant that their skin took on a purple hue to allow them to dwell within the darkness and keep hidden from some of the monsters that exist in the darkness.

They have also started to make weapons out of the materials they have found there so it involves less bronze and brass, instead bringing in their strange mythical materials from another realm.

As you can see, purple is immediately a very different colour!

Putting Together The Lodge

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So, as is customary with any new product it starts with putting the models together. I cracked open the Fyreslayer Chosen Axes for Warhammer Underworlds yesterday and got to work push-fitting them together.

They went together really quickly and easily and then they just got a blast of white spray so that I could begin work on them!

I am going for an entirely different scheme to what you might have seen for the Fyreslayers in the past so I needed to get rid of all of that orange!

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