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Spring Clean challenge/ Taking stock at castle Trewets

Spring Clean challenge/ Taking stock at castle Trewets

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Project Blog by trewets Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 14

About the Project

After Lloyd and Gerry( @ avernos ) went through their armies for Saga it prompted me to look through what armies I have lying finished or work in progress in my multitude of tool boxes and cupboards.

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Bonus to getting everything sorted

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On the back end of getting all the armies out of storage and photographed I now have a record of what I have and what needs finishing.

This ties in greatly with the motivation that ALL of us gamers suffer project fatigue.

I have started to prioritise my to do list.

I also have German Bolt Action figures to finish up for another project but these are already documented so am not adding them here.

skiptotheend also sent some cracking stuff for my other half’s nurgle army on the back of my another of Gerry’s great ideas

As she and I have a 40k subscription to the Conflict magazine.She has gone for the more grizzled looking nurgle army and I have taken the primaris marines to bolster my Dark Angels Chapter.

Sci-fi FIX

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Idea 2
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I have a painted Dark Angel chapter for 40k ,mainly beaky mk II or mk III armour and have picked up some primaris marines to bolster my troop. I also managed to get some standard marines from the “pay it  forward” thing that avernos started and tried some washes on them.

The marines below are the figures primed skeleton bone, I intend to shade the base colour with a wash and then dry brush a high light with green accents and red details.

I have a few water slide decals to add a bit of pop.

Sci-fi FIX
Some test shading with washesSome test shading with washes

Elvish fancy

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Idea 2
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Elvish fancy

With this army I need to finish another dragon, will have to break out the air brush!

I find it quicker and easier to paint the bigger models with the air brush and it gives better transition from shade to highlight.

The armies of mankind

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The armies of mankind

The heraldry on 2 of the red and white horsemen is accurate for my surname and my other half’s maiden name.

The one on the far right is mine and the one on the far left is hers.

The red dragon in the middle has been a work in progress for the better part of twenty years…I get so far and stop painting it because I am not happy with the look. I revisit the scheme every few years when I have improved my skills / learnt something new that I think might help. Still not finished,but close. More, brighter red to highlight and a bit of vibrant green in the eyes to add a bit of contrast to all that red I think…..any other suggestions welcome.

I have tried recently tried painting it with my air brush…..I have decided to highlight each and every scale singularly.

DARK elves

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DARK elves

Green skin mash up

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Idea 1
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Green skin mash up

Chaos abound

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Idea 3
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Chaos abound

Armies on parade Skellies

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Idea 4
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Taken my first army love SKELETONS from storage…….boy oh boy I had more than I thought.

I need to finish a few units of horse and foot and to start on my reaper dragon.

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