Terrain for my first game mat (a spring clean and adding to collection)
Recommendations: 4
About the Project
Starting this log for my first battle mat. For a while I have seen some of the guys at my gaming group have been getting mats for themselves and some have terrain for their own mats. So I bought the PWork Wargames North Pass mat and wanted to make some terrain for it. Looking up the Terrain Tutor I looked and saw what I could do and what I wish I knew when I first started terrain making. In here I will log my progress.
Related Genre: Fantasy
This Project is Active
The Mat has arrived
Got my mat in, and it looks awesome. More updates on terrain soon.
Buildings and Hills
Got my first buildings based and my other buildings built and the bases cut(now I need more PVC Board). Can’t wait to get some paint on these things. Also looking up more Terrain Tutor videos and decided to try and make some Spray Foam hills. I have to say I like it. Looking forward to making a few more of these. More to come.
The first step
So here we have the first pieces I will be working on as I wait for my actual mat to show up. So here we have two building from Pegasus Hobby that I painted for my brother a few years ago and he gave to me when he left the hobby. Also I have a hill I did for my first terrain project a long time ago. I have added spackle them as suggested by the Terrain Tutor and am waiting for them to dry. Along with it I will be finishing up a Numinous Occulum that I had started a few years ago when AOS started along with trees for forests and an Azyrite Township kit I just picked up.