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Dan Does: Elder Scrolls Call to Arms

Dan Does: Elder Scrolls Call to Arms

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Project Blog by darkdanegan Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 31

About the Project

Very excited for the Elder Scrolls game come from Modiphius. Got my hands on the pre-release promo model to keep me going until the full release!

This Project is Completed

Dragonborn Triumphant - Getting the Paint On

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 5
Zenith primed with the airbrushZenith primed with the airbrush
Space wolf colours for the dragon tail Space wolf colours for the dragon tail
Simply a nuln oil wash over the zenithed base and a drybrush of grey.Simply a nuln oil wash over the zenithed base and a drybrush of grey.
Some GW snow flock to finish the base and brushed highlights to finish the tail. All still Space Wolf colours from GW. Some GW snow flock to finish the base and brushed highlights to finish the tail. All still Space Wolf colours from GW.
Cadian Fleshtone base for the skin and Reikland Fleshshade wash Cadian Fleshtone base for the skin and Reikland Fleshshade wash
Mournfang Brown and Rhinox Hide base colours for the leather, later washed with Nuln OilMournfang Brown and Rhinox Hide base colours for the leather, later washed with Nuln Oil
P3 Pig Iron for the metal, Zandri Dust base for the fur and horns. Nuln oil and Agrax Earthshade washes respectivelyP3 Pig Iron for the metal, Zandri Dust base for the fur and horns. Nuln oil and Agrax Earthshade washes respectively
Other details added using the same palette. Highlighting was a matter of getting the small brush onto the details. Same palette. Used some Rakarth Flesh to make lighter shades of brown for the tunic Other details added using the same palette. Highlighting was a matter of getting the small brush onto the details. Same palette. Used some Rakarth Flesh to make lighter shades of brown for the tunic
All done!All done!

Dragonborn Triumphant

Tutoring 2
Skill 8
Idea 3
No Comments
Incredible sculpt and a joy to paint - can’t wait for more!Incredible sculpt and a joy to paint - can’t wait for more!

Dragonborn literally Triumphant!

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
No Comments
Thank you OTT/BoW for the golden button!Thank you OTT/BoW for the golden button!

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