My Men Are From Mars: a 40k Weekend Adventure
Recommendations: 87
About the Project
A non 40K player's look at painting up a faction. Changing up the paint scheme and seeing how the models come together.
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Working on the other parts of the starter set.
Here is the progress shots of the Rangers. After priming the base coat was put on with the airbrush. Then it was onto the inside of the duster with the Buff, Gunmetal on all of the metal bits and the colors are getting blocked in nicely.
It was a busy Saturday and I got some things painted.
Lots of detail work on the Dune Walker. This model has been a lot of fun to do and though it didn’t get done over the weekend it is going to be finished up later this week. Once all the spider legs finally fit into the center hub the glue took some time to set had enough to not fall apart. This has been my favorite part of the project and it is going to be a display item in my collection.
Blocking in some colors
The color blocking is coming along and I call that progress.
Tips and Tricks
Base Colors are going down.
Living in Colo(u)r.
Here are the colors that will be used, unless they are horrible, for the basis of this army. The Turquoise will be the main color for cloth and armor. Buff is will be the secondary color for the armor and the lining of the cloth. The metallic paints will be used on all those mechanical bits sticking out everywhere. This could be a total mistake but it should make for a punchy change on the table top.