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Manda’s (Amachan) Scurvy Sea Dogs

Manda’s (Amachan) Scurvy Sea Dogs

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Project Blog by amachan Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 320

About the Project

In this project I will be making multiple warbands for Pirates of the Dread Sea and possibly other games in the future.

This Project is On Hold

Scale Black Scorpion Miniatures

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

Since people keep asking me what scale the Black Scorpion Miniatures are, here are a couple of pictures that will hopefully help you.

Scale Black Scorpion Miniatures

From left to right:

  • Warlord Games
  • V&V Miniatures
  • Black Scorpion Miniatures
  • Black Scorpion Miniatures
  • Hasslefree Miniatures
  • Reaper Bones
Scale Black Scorpion Miniatures

From left to right:

  • Corvus Belli
  • Games Workshop
  • Black Scorpion Miniatures
  • Black Scorpion Miniatures
  • Bad Squiddo Games
  • Modiphiüs
The mandatory Banana Man ScaleThe mandatory Banana Man Scale

Pirate Girls & Lord Nelson

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment
Pirate Girls & Lord Nelson

These are my pirate girls and a monkey from Black Scorpion Games painted up for Pirates of the Dread Sea. I’m calling the monkey Lord Nelson, because I can.

Going forward I will be painting individual miniatures that I 3D printed from the Pirates vs. Cthulhu kickstarter.

Undead Warband Done! (Until I get more models for them)

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
Undead Warband Done! (Until I get more models for them)

The last batch of my undead pirates and a couple of 3D printed cannons are done for Pirates of the Dread Sea.

Undead Warband Done! (Until I get more models for them)

That completes my undead pirate warband (until I get more models). All risen to fight for Vanessa Saltblood, the vampire pirate necromancer leading the pack.

Undead Warband Done! (Until I get more models for them)

Undead Pirates, Batch 2 now including treasure!

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
Undead Pirates, Batch 2 now including treasure!

The second batch of Black Scorpion undead pirates for Pirates of the Dread Sea are done, plus some 3D printed treasure chests to use as objective markers.

Undead Pirates, Batch 1

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 8
No Comments

I came to realize I never made pictures and shared the finished first batch of undead pirates from Black Scorpion Miniatures I painted for Pirates of the Dread Sea, so here they are.

Undead Pirates, Batch 1
Undead Pirates, Batch 1

Vanessa Saltblood

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 8
1 Comment
Vanessa Saltblood

Vanessa Saltblood, vampire pirate necromancer ready to resurrect some dead pirates.

Under UV lightUnder UV light

Last Prints

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 10
No Comments
Pirates and cannons.Pirates and cannons.
Pirate lass walking her cannons....Pirate lass walking her cannons....

Last prints for a while as I’m almost out of resin. I should be able to get new resin next month, but I really got most of what I wanted printed out already anyway. Hopefully I can get to painting soon.

More pirates.

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 10
No Comments
More pirates.
More pirates.

Y'argh, more jelly bean pirates be printed.

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments
Y'argh, more jelly bean pirates be printed.

Vanessa Saltblood, my custom Hero Forge vampire pirate necromancer on the far left and the rest is from the pirates vs Cthulhu kickstarter and yes the one on the far right is a pirate penguin.

First prints.

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments

First couple of miniatures from the Pirates vs Cthulhu kickstarter printed and also got the mermaid from PrintYourMonsters done as well.

First prints.

Black Scorpion Miniatures.

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
No Comments

Got my new miniatures in from Black Scorpion Miniatures.

A ton of undead pirates for my Pirates of the Dread Sea undead warband. A ton of undead pirates for my Pirates of the Dread Sea undead warband.
A couple of live ones for the human warband.A couple of live ones for the human warband.

Vanessa Saltblood Final Design

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 7
Vanessa Saltblood Final Design

This is the final version of Vanessa Saltblood. I removed her staff as I didn’t actually like it and I don’t think vampires need a staff to use necromantic powers.


Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

A little bit of a basing test for a Caribbean beach style base. I think it has worked well. I covered the base with Vallejo Earth Texture Desert Sand (26.217), stuck some bits in it so see if they’ll work, sprinkled on some actual sand and done.

I know I was thinking of doing textured bases from my 3D printer, but since some miniatures have a rock stuck under their foot or is leaning against a stone pillar I thought I’d make my own. Rocks and stone pillars don’t happen much on a ship deck.


Vanessa Saltblood Design

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 9
No Comments

Making my own character as a leader for an undead warband for Pirates of the Dread Sea. Meet Vanessa Saltblood, a vampire pirate necromancer. Still working in Hero Forge trying to get her right, such a pain. I’m thinking of going with the first one, but not sure yet. Any ideas are welcome.

Vanessa Saltblood Design

What is this?

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
No Comments

I will be making a couple of warbands for Pirates of the Dread Sea by Dead Earth games. Well, at least at first. This project can easily grow into other games in the future. Black Scorpion Miniatures’ Cutlass! is also interesting and I may well extend it to Blood & Plunder from Firelock Games in the future.

At first I will start with a human and an undead warband. I am planning on using miniatures from Black Scorpion Games, 3D printed miniatures from the Pirates vs Cthulhu kickstarter from Iain Lovecraft and some others.

The bases I will use are the undecorated 3D printable ship deck bases from Battle Yak Miniatures, slightly adjusted to 25mm and made a lower profile, because I like low profile bases.

Supported by (Turn Off)