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Dragon Empire – House of the Golden Lotus

Dragon Empire – House of the Golden Lotus

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Project Blog by boomer

Recommendations: 123

About the Project

I bought the Dragon Empire Blade Master command set from Titan forge some time during Covid 19 lockdown 1.0 I threw together a little paint scheme loosely inspired by Tom cruise's armour in the Last samurai.... Then sometime around Christmas 2020 I couldn't resist buying the dragon Cavalry. I think this is becoming a bit of a slow burner army project just in time for Cathay Kingdom of the Dragon to turn up in Warhammer total War 3.

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General Paint Scheme

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 10
No Comments

Luckily i documented the general paint scheme when doing the Blade Masters. I  applied it to the Dragon Cavalry Riders, but I still need to update it to include the dragons and any additional features.

Dragon Cavalry

Tutoring 10
Skill 21
Idea 21
1 Comment

Blade Master Command.

Tutoring 11
Skill 20
Idea 18

I still can’t work out why the images from my phone always come out sideways….

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