175 days of Bot War
Recommendations: 69
About the Project
It took my FGS (not local) 175 days to get me the copy of Bot War. This project will be the record of what I will do with it. I will mirror this project on my blog but in German. Maximum Exposure!
Related Game: Bot War
Related Company: Traders Galaxy
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Completed
Day 2
And now for something completely different. An unboxing. In German. Enjoy!
Day 3
Have I shown you my box?
After a short build time all bots are done. The casts are crisp and clean. Only the occasional sprue gate point needed a bit of a clean up. If I have one thing to point out that’s negative: it’s a bit fiddly to fin out what part goes on which bot. But you can manage!
Here now the build bots.
Next step: prime and drybrush. But that is for another day
Day 26
While I’ve been painting the bots on stream I also had a single bot on backorder. Humvee has arrived and will now be build!
In case you are wondering: I decided to count the days on how long it’ll take me to finish the box. There will be jump cuts 😉
Day 40
Did some more painting. Here are some pictures. I really need to speed up the process or it will be Christmas before my painting video get’s up XD
Day 62
Calling them done! The BotWar2TurboEdition starter plus Humvee by @traders_galaxy painted with (mostly) @thearmypainter SpeedPaint not the 80s cartoon look but I had this idea in my head and it needed to get out lovely models. Tomorrow varnish and then they get their glory shots.
Day 63
Wow, this is odd to the n-th degree. I never had any issues with “frosting” when coating minis in Army Painter matt varnish. So today I went out and used the last of my old can. It was “just enough” to cover all models. But for some really odd reason the bases dried so vastly different on places where I had glued washers under the base compared to “just base” that it looked weird.
“no problem” I thin, “you’ve got a brand new can. just given them a second coat”
I don’t know if that was just my nose but I swear the new stuff smells different and now I have frosting all over the models. But (and this is the really weird part) it’s just the corners. So basically they now all look dry brushed. And I kind of like that look. Just a few touch ups on the black bases and gloss varnish for lights and windows.
And this concludes the Bot War 2 Turbo Edition core box painting session. Awesome models by Anthony great stuff! Now to find some poor victim to play with 😉