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Project Blog by DB73 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 86

About the Project

I have only just started painting again after over 30 years away from the hobby, slowly I have been getting more confidant with my choice of colours and am slowly learning better techniques. I am still not happy with some aspects of some minis but am happy with the over all result. I am painting one half of the two player starter set. I am really having fun with the commonwealth. First to paint was Sir Hogwash which I added to my troupe, Baron Von Fancyhat was next. Flintlock made me think why I wanted him to look like Freddie Mercury. Friar Flavious made the fourth and I still have Eric to paint. I have chosen Boris the Bunny Summoner for my last character because I want murder bunnies and a Jackalope to throw at my opponents. The board will follow and I am currently 3d printing scenery which @Bexx is happily painting and adding her magic, taste and flair to make them so so special.

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Sir Hogwash

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment

Sir Hogwash was the first model of Moonstone which I painted, he and his mount just pulled me in and made me want to add him to my troupe. He was the model which I decided what three colours to use. I loved painting him and my confidence grew so much after I had finished him. He was the first model  which I based so I have used the same process and technique to keep my model as look perfect in my eyes. He is my favourite mini with my troupe but don’t let the rest know.


Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I had a wobble painting Flintlock, stupidly I chose to paint his coat yellow. It took me a while to get it to something I really like. Blue trousers, red gloves and yellow coat tie him in with the troupe. I used Army painter metallic’s for Flintlock’s Moonstone  and the other paints were msp bones, vallejo  as well as army painter. I am happy with how he turned out.

Baron Von Fancyhat

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
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I chose the colours Red, Yellow and Blue to give my troupe uniformity. I decided that Baron would be dressed in Red and had fun choosing  his feathers to be yellow and his scabbard to be blue. I had help with the eyes as I am not confident or skilled enough to paint eyes. I undercoated with bone white and used a small choice of colours and washes so I wouldn’t be sat for hours deciding what to choose next. I am happy with him.

Friar Flavious

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Flavious was fun and quick to paint. the skin tone and armour as well as cloak were the main focal points of the model in my eyes so I decided to keep the model simple. I picked out certain points of the model to make it interesting and each time you look you may see something new.

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