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Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

Orcs & Goblins: the Old World

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Project Blog by Lovecraft2020

Recommendations: 213

About the Project

I expect Warhammer: the Old World to be launched sometimes at the end of 2023 or early 2024. Might be wrong and too optimistic, but this gives me momentum to finish an Orcs & Goblins I started years ago :)

This Project is Active


Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Finished a chariot with its driver. Need to touch on the base with some tufts and pigment powders.

There is a small magnet hidden at the back of the chariot. Will eventually finish painting an orc shaman and an orc warboss, so I get to choose which one is riding the chariot ?.

Just some WiP of an Ardboyz that will proxy as a Black Orc Big BossJust some WiP of an Ardboyz that will proxy as a Black Orc Big Boss
Airbrushing some contrast over a metallic basecoat. Bit of an experimentation projectAirbrushing some contrast over a metallic basecoat. Bit of an experimentation project

Solo Troll

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
1 Comment
Solo Troll

It’s the troll from the Battle for Skull Pass box. I had no intention of painting it, as I don’t like the miniature so much.

But once primed, I thought it would be a quick project with some drybrushing.

I actually like the model once it is painted. Since it is the only stone troll I have (so far), I will probably use it as a goblin unit filler.

I planned on finishing the first phase of my Orc and Goblin army by the end of 2023.  Surprisingly enough, I am almost done and the only thing left to paint is another orc warboss mounted on a converted chariot.


Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The initial model (with a weird helmet and a tall base)The initial model (with a weird helmet and a tall base)

This is a model from 3D Art Digital that I painted a few years ago, but I just completed a minor conversion.

Its aesthetic does not fit classic/ oldheimer orc models and both head options looked a bit off.

This was a weird conversion as the whole model was already painted and I did not want to wreck the old paint job.

I cut the front part of the helmet to add bits from the Kruleboys range.

It was also standing way too tall, so I had to change bases.

Overall, I am satisfied with the conversion and I will probably use it as a savage orc warboss leading the kruleboyz.

I have a few (unpainted for now) Kruleboyz that I will use as Savage Orc Warboss.

A new but still weird helmet ? (at least it fits more with kruleboyz)A new but still weird helmet ? (at least it fits more with kruleboyz)
One big fella!One big fella!

Goblin Spear Chukkas

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Bought four super cheap 3-D printed ballista from a seller on Etsy (like 5$ each).

Did minor conversions to make them look different (plasticards and random bits)

Then I went for three different recipe for painting woods:

1- light brown primer, followed by Agrax earthshade wash, than a lighter highlight

2- off-white primer, followed by a dark brown oil wash

3- off-white primer, followed by a slightly diluted Cygor Brown contrast paint

To my surprise and disappointment, the wood effect was fairly similar  for all three ballistas  🙁

The fourth and last ballista was a giant head cleaved in half. It does look good in a sense, but it also looks too evil or chaos.

The other goblin spear chukkas have more of a friendly-goblin vibe, so I don’t plan on painting the last one, at least for now.

Goblin Spear Chukkas

Snotling Pump Wagons!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment

Two snotling pump wagons I scratch-built about 10 years ago.

From what I remember, they behaved erratically (random attacks, random movements) and they were not a very good unit, which means they are a classic goblin unit 🙂

They were not based, and the paint was showing its age.

Just added a homemade mdf base with some tuffs and pigment powders. Did a bit more highlighting to freshen up the paint.

First pump wagon :) First pump wagon :)
Snotling Pump Wagons!!
Snotling Pump Wagons!!

I used mainly popsicle sticks to build these.

Now I am not a big fan of popsicle sticks: they are not the right size and they are difficult to texture.

In the future, I may be tempted to build a new one with balsa wood, coffee stir sticks and maybe some plasticards.

Second wagonSecond wagon
Snotling Pump Wagons!!

Unit filler..

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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A scenery piece that was part of the Battle of Skull Pass boxA scenery piece that was part of the Battle of Skull Pass box
Will use it as a unit filler because I am bored of painting an endless horde of goblin…Will use it as a unit filler because I am bored of painting an endless horde of goblin…

Orc Shaman

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Model from the Avatars of War range (on a slightly elevated base)Model from the Avatars of War range (on a slightly elevated base)
Orc Shaman

I had plans for Terrain Fest, then life happened 🙁

Next two pictures are my prototype for a ruined sorcerer tower (or something like).

Well, if there is another Terrain Fest in 2024, I know what I will be working on.

For now, I need to finish an Orc Warboss, a chariot and some other stuff for the Old World.

Orc Shaman
Orc Shaman

Itsy-bitsy spiders!

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
Itsy-bitsy spiders!
Itsy-bitsy spiders!
Itsy-bitsy spiders!
Itsy-bitsy spiders!

Now I only need to paint 24 goblin riders ?…

River Trolls

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 5
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River Trolls
River Trolls
River Trolls
River Trolls

There is something grainy about the pictures, I don’t know why…

Just need to satin varnish the models, then I will add some water effect on the base.

I normally use a satin varnish, followed by a matte finish, but for the trolls I want to try a slimy finish.

Motley (artillery) crew

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Had a bunch of oldhammer models laying around. They don’t quite fit the style of the rest of the army, so I will use them as artillery crew.
Will probably paint them two or three at a time when I am bored batch painting rank and file troops.

Motley (artillery) crew
Classic oldhammer with a few minor conversionsClassic oldhammer with a few minor conversions
Motley (artillery) crew

Simple goblin

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
1 Comment

Bit of a burn out of batch painting..

Quick simple paint job of a single goblin.

He will be an artillery crew.

Already have a catapult/rock lobber. Just received four ballistas that I will customize, so I need a lot of artillery crews.

Simple goblin

The next two pictures are to showcase the « power » of contrast paint over a zenithal primer.

The green flesh is simply a single coat of Plaguebearer contrast with a bit of Cygor brown contrast and some flow aid.
Then I will add one or two quick highlights.

Flesh done with only contrast paintFlesh done with only contrast paint
First coat of contrast only on the faceFirst coat of contrast only on the face
Finished model after some simple highlights Finished model after some simple highlights
And some more black orcs..And some more black orcs..
Simple goblin

Night Goblins

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 6

I did my first batch of night goblins in the classic black scheme.

Not overly fond of the result and it was a bit boring to paint.

So I decided to change the colour scheme a little bit: red hood with black clothing.

Classic black schemeClassic black scheme

Trying to find a balance between quantity and quality ?‍♂️. Always the issue when painting a horde army…

Basically, I use a single coat of contrast paint over a zenithal primer. Than I use a single universal highlight over the most prominent features of the model.

Night Goblins
Night Goblins
Night Goblins

Black Orcs!!

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6

Yep, it’s an army for Warhammer: the Old World, but these guys are based on round base. They are second hand models and they were already based. I will use a movement tray, so it won’t make a difference. (And I have too many models to paint to rebase them ?)

It was a relatively quick project for me (I am a slow painter),

Half of the models were primed directly with Krylon metallic primer (Metallic Silver). It worked well, was quick and very cheap. It produced a very shiny finish.

Then I applied some contrast paints over some of the metal armor plates to add variety. Used a bunch of different contrast paint (Blood Angel, Snakebite Leather, diluted Wyldwood, and so on). Applying contrast paint over metallic part is really easy and fun.

After applying the initial colors, I applied various oil or enamel wash. I tried streaky grime, but for this project I thought it was a bit too dark. The best oil wash was simply a very diluted black oil wash.


Black Orcs!!
Black Orcs!!
Black Orcs!!

I did make a few mistakes:

  • For half of the models, I decided to first zenithal prime them (white over a black primer). As I should have known, metallic primer over a white primer did not give a very nice finish…
  • Second mistake: after basecoating the additional colors, I used a matte varnish instead of a gloss or satin varnish. I was in a rush and I made a stupid mistake…

I applied some glossy varnish on selected area of the models to bring back some of the shine.

Will try to make less mistakes next time… Live and learn I guess!

Not ahiny enough..Not ahiny enough..
After a glossy varnish After a glossy varnish
Need to « black rim » the basesNeed to « black rim » the bases

Catapult (rock lobber)

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment
Catapult (rock lobber)

Simple catapult. I think it’s a wizkid miniature initially, and I added a few greenskin bits to make it more « orkish ».

Will need to base it at some point, but I am waiting to see the exact base sizes for the new editions.

Catapult (rock lobber)


Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments

Just painted 10 classic orc models.


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