Everything but Samurai
Recommendations: 233
About the Project
This will be all my everything else stuff except samurai project . I will be working on a variety of miniature genres this year . And hopefully getting in some gaming in as well.
Related Genre: General
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Western basing
My mix for the dry southwest .
sifted kitty litter, very fine railroad ballast, and a lot of shaved pastel chalks . Lite tans , yellows, and white colors.
Western terrain from Black site studio
These two kits were fun little kits tha will add some life to the table.
More dead man’s hand gunfighters
You have already met the Montgomery twins. Now meet Lady Victoria Spencer and her 50. Henry and the rest of her entourage. Mr. Scott a two pistol packing eccentric from Boston. Lars Ivarson of Norway with his trusty Winchester and quick draw James Crockett from Florida. This will be my band of gun fighters for Dead Mans Hand.
Meet The Montgomery twins
Theodore and Thomas are armed with the Colt Navy revolvers but Thomas enjoys using the 12 gauge double barrel shotgun.
The twins work for the Pinkerton’s
Aztecs 2 electric boogaloo
Finished my Aztecs and now I’m on to Western Gunfighters from Great Escape Games
Aztec shields
These are killing me ?
The one on the right is finished but the other two still have work to be done .
I know how to kill a few hours don’t I?
Painted up 10 Aztec novices
going todo a bit of research on the Aztec landscape before I base them.
Sprue Goo and how I use it.
I’m going to show you how to hide a seam between a bare chest and bare arm. You will need to make a slurry of chopped up sprue and liquid cement. I actually have a bottle dedicated for this Sprue Goo. You will also need a bottle of bottle of liquid cement.
Apply the Sprue Goo to the seam you want to hide. You want to apply only enough Sprue Goo to hide the seam. Now take your liquid cement and thin out the edge and thin out the area of the slurry. You made need to take a couple of passes. Allow this to sit for 30seconds and take a look if you are happy with the results move on to the next seam. If not use more Sprue Goo if needed but if you think you have too much Sprue Goo use your liquid cement and remove it.
You may need to practice this a couple of times before you get it right. After it cures you can always sand down any excess Sprue Goo you may find.
Finished assembling 30 Aztecs tonight
I still need to Do the Goo on the shoulder joints on the bare chest warriors. I also want to add more jewelry to a few more Jaguar warriors
Using a plastic slurry to hide a seam
Working on a new batch of Aztecs.
Working on a new batch of of Aztecs.
As you can see I have added some jewelry and this is how I did it. It’s very easy to do. You will need a 1/16th and a 1/8th inch hole punch and some liquid plastic cement. I’m using Mr. Hobby but you can use Tamiya or what other brand you like. Punch out some hole and I just glued them to the neck line of the of the Jaguar suit I also made a larger earring for the Scorn . That’s it, a very easy conversion for the Aztecs.
Finished up a few Delaque .
Finishing up a few old projects just to get them out of the way. I don’t really have any plans to play I just need to finish them up.
Orgoth for Necromunda
Finished up my Orgoth I started over a year ago. I think if I was going to play again I would play the first edition rules. I loved the experience engine on that game you fell in love with the characters as they grew.