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The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry

The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry

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Project Blog by necron099 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 105

About the Project

This Spring I am painting projects that have sat on my desk for many years. One of those is a set of twelve Wargames Foundry Arthurian cavalry figures. I have been excited about these figures since they came out. I bought them as a job lot on eBay five years ago and that was that, until now! Saxons beware!

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The army standard

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The dragon banner in all its glory The dragon banner in all its glory

I needed a dragon standard but I only had the standards that come with eh Warlord plastic roman infantry.  So I decided to sculpt my own.  It took me many years to learnt hat you can’t jsut sculpt a finished piece with milliput.  Instead it is a multi day thing where I built up an interior structure and then add the details in a final layer.  The only tool I use is a straight pin, both eh tip and the back head work well for various jobs.  finally I add the “wings” and it is done.  It is not hard to do and I recommend giving it a try.

1st Corp Arthurian Terrain

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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A friend picked up this wonderful resin church from 1st Corp at a Salute way back when it first came out.  It is so good to see it on the table after many years.  I love how this piece of terrain can be reconfigured in many ways.

A second group of knights muster

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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My second full unitMy second full unit

This is my second unit fully finished.  This project had been a lot of fun and it is a great feeling of accomplishment to get this done after having them sit in a box for years.   Now to get them on the table top!


Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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Gareth at the charge! Gareth at the charge!

I had fun painting this shield.


Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 0
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Gawain with a nasty looking pole arm Gawain with a nasty looking pole arm


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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The bard Taliesin announces the charge! The bard Taliesin announces the charge!

This guy was mostly red when I got him but I think he was begging for some colorful stripes!

Sir Kay

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Sir Kay shows off his newly painted shieldSir Kay shows off his newly painted shield

For most of the shields in this project I used plastics from Warlord Games.  They are nice and big and give plenty of room to emblazon.

Golden Button

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
Great News form SundayGreat News form Sunday

I am psyched to have been chose for the Golden Button last weekend!  It was really helpful to hear the comments and suggestions from everyone hosting this week.  It is very encouraging to get some recognition for this wrk and has spurred me on to do some more.

And I agree, I need more stripes on the lances!  Wait until you see the battle banner, there will be plenty of stripes!


Mordred, Son of Arthur

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Mordred shows his indifference  Mordred shows his indifference

I am not sure why, but this guy just strikes me as Mordred.  Long before he turns on Arthur but certainly in his surly young adult phase angry that he has to watch his Dad at work.

Arturius Pendragon

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
1 Comment

The King leads from the front.  I was unhappy with the bases in this job lot.  They looked like wet mud.  I but a different putty on them from Vallejo, then painted it with Delta Cermacoat Cinnamon, which dries in a very realistic dirt shade.  I then raided my stash of Gamer Grass and Woodland Scenics flock.  I think they look a lot better now.

Bedwyr Defends the king

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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I didn’t have time to order any decals for shields, so I have been hand painting them.  I sketch the design out in watercolors, then once I paint on the design in acrylic, I can wipe off any stray lines with a wet brush.

The Knight Feirefiz

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
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A light horseman rides fast to the fightA light horseman rides fast to the fight

When I bought this job lot, this guy was mounted on a steppe pony!  I was dismayed but then I remembered Feirefiz, a knight from the East who is a character added to the Arthurian world in the 13th century by Wolfram von Eschenbach

The Knight Caractacus

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
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Racing to support the kingRacing to support the king

The second knight

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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The second finished knight points the wayThe second finished knight points the way

I like the way this guy is using a pilum on horseback.  I had a lot of work to do on this one restoring the horse color to one that looked realistic.


Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 3
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Lancelot challenges a Saxon ChampionLancelot challenges a Saxon Champion

This figure was missing his shield and spear.  I raided the bits box of a friend and my own and found a plastic spear and shield that look like they are from Warlord Games.  I know that in this period they would be attacking with spears overhand but I liked the look of this with the spear tip up.  In my mind, he is challenging a champion format he Saxon line to come forward and meet in single combat.  I really love the helmet on this figure.

Partially painted, gathering dust

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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These figures have been gathering dust for years under my painting table.These figures have been gathering dust for years under my painting table.

This is the beginning of my Spring Cleaning project wherein I restore and refurbish some great old Wargames Foundry Arthurian Figures.  I had always wanted this complete set since it came out.  These were evocative sculpts and some of the very first “historical”  Arthurian lines.  I bought a job-lot of twelve of them off of eBay for a good price but they came partially painted and pre based.  I was uninspired by the paint jobs and they found their way into a box under my table.  Recently my gaming group has been playing Lion Rampant with dark ages figures, so it was time for the King to ride again!

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