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Corpse Piles

Corpse Piles

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Project Blog by moji Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 14

About the Project

I decided to replace the card tokens in my Shadows of Brimstone game with something more visible. The plastic ones from Flying Frog are 15 USD for 3. With the amount of bits I have lying around, I thought I could easily make some for free.

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Official Base (left) Molded Base (right)Official Base (left) Molded Base (right)

I had a spare base from the Brimstone core box, so I used instamold (oyumaru) to make a mold. I used Tamiya putty (cheap greenstuff) to create 6 bases, the same size and shape of the official one.

Corpse Molding

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Again the instamold came out and I used body parts from the bits box to imprint onto the mold.

Piles Take Shape

Tutoring 1
Skill 0
Idea 0
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Using the mold of body parts, I smooshed a blob of Tamiya putty into it, then applied it to the base. Then I immediately removed the mold, leaving the base with the imprinted putty on top. I cleaned the edges with a wet toothpick so they were flush with the base. Then I added a couple of body parts onto the wet putty.

The Paint Goes On

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3

I spray primed them black, painted them dark brown, including the bases, then dry brushed the top Vallejo Cork Brown. This brought out the details. Then white for bones, GW Dwarf Flesh for guts, various colours for clothing. GW Agrax Earthshade the whole thing, bases included.

Finally Vallejo Glistening Blood on severed body parts.


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