Live Rounds! 40K Orks vs. Ultramarines 1500pts Battle Report
July 13, 2012 by beerogre
The dust has settled after Andy took on Darrell in a LIVE Orks vs. Ultramarines Warhammer 40K Battle Report.
The mission was Crusade and the deployment Hammer & Anvil with 1500 point lists.
Download the lists here:
So get your popcorn and beverages ready... and check-out what happened on the night.
Let us know your thoughts on the show in the comments below and watch out for the after match chat session with Lloyd & Darrell at the end.
I better get some sleep then so I can be sort of awake for this in 5 hours!
I’ll definitely be having popcorn and chocolate milk for this.
Where do we go to watch? & on the home page I would imagine
BoW Ben
Thanks bro, i have been everywhere for this for the past 3 or so days. going to bed now, 5 hours Yey, also i would love to skype ahe, Message me if i am able to 🙂 Cheers
It’s not happening at 7pm GMT though, because we’re not currently on GMT. It’s happening 7pm BST/IST (British/Irish Summer Time).
7pm GMT would actually mean it was starting at 8pm tonight. However, that link you posted with the time conversion is correct, so whatever it says for your city in that is the time it starts.
Sorry, that’s just my time OCD coming out :-/
Thanks… I’ve updated that. 🙂
so excited !
Well after watching it I musst say that it wasnt very fun to watch at all. The technical side was really spot on. Kudos to the camrea angles and the switch in between those angles ( and thanks for using stands, one of the most annoying things in other peoples battlereports is that its constantly wobbling and out of focus) BUT Darrel isnt much of a good player for such videos, he on his own totally took out all the fun. I was expecting a fun and casual game between two friends all I got was one guy taking advantage… Read more »
@partisan I’ll admit that I realised early on that I didn’t have enough to deal with the Ultramarine Landraider… The only thing the Orks have to deal wit ARM:14 is Power Klaws and S:8 shooting (mostly Kannons & Killcannons… with a minor in Zzap Gun). The only unit that can take multiple Power Klaws are Nobs. So, they’re now an auto-include in your Ork Army. Of course your Deff Rolla is still good against a Land Raider… But you need to get there first. It’s lamentable, but Hull Points hurt the Ork vs. vehicle dynamic a lot. Zzap Guns are… Read more »
The Orks have always had that same problem though. I like the inclusion of Hull Points, at least then I can kill Land Raiders. The week before 6th Edition I only managed to strip two weapons and immobilised it after three turns and seven glancing hits with my Nob Bikers.
Hull points could’ve helped you quite a bit in this game though. With the potential for 45 shots from a full strength squad of Lootas, you could’ve glanced the Land Raider it to death in a turn or two.
Just remembered–lootas are S7 aren’t they?
Unfortunately I agree. This is not a jab at Darrel because I really enjoy hearing his opinion when discussing rules/lists and think his video’s on those subjects are great. When it comes to a battle like this though I wanted to feel like both sides were having fun and it didn’t really feel like that for me.
I love Darrell, he needs to be in every episode of Live rounds !
Any way to see the battle afterwards? For prople who cant make it tonight?
The video should be logged on the twitch tv page to watch back. As far as I know anyway.
BoW Ben
Will be ready, as usual…
Little typo guys: ‘the lists have bee published’
And btw, who’s gonna manage the tweets since warrens not gonna be there?
I’m going to miss this as I am wargaming myself 😉
Well this be recorded aswell?
Either way good luck to both you ‘may the dice grace the most honourable’ – lol Yeah right just smash him!!! :-),
i live in england when is it???
According to my time zone, they were supposed to be playing right now. Where can I see the match?
Yeah I can’t find it either, will it be on the main page?
its not coming up on me laptop :,( any idear when and what time its on i live nere Hereford england
BOW live shows normally run a bit late, so hopefully it will be on shortly. Probably on the twitch tv link above.
Was good. GG
I really enjoyed the show keep up the good work guys
Great show for me.
The camera angles were spot on, that was a really nice table too, and with all hands on deck having someone free to give a bit of commentary would complete it.
40K is what it is, seeing darrell extract the cheese made me laugh, but I think this format would really suit something like infinity and its less structured playstyle.
Awesome show a future variety of games would be ace
Good show, hope we get to see more episodes of it =)
get rid of the “watch at” overlay, it’s really useless once you think about it 😛 (esp if you decide not to keep an eye on the twitch chat at all)
I kept on wanting you to cut to a dice cam for the important rolls! A tray at each end with a camera on it probably would have done the trick!
Overall I thought the format shows great promise. For a first attempt it was excellent!
Fun to watch, good job guys.
Need to work on camera angles in my opinion guys, the main cam was too high and too far, the other angles were better closer up, it’s good to see dice rolls! I like to see the dice rolls!.
ps. Enjoyed it though, thanks.
Good show, but I’ll 2nd the dice cams
Great show guys! I have only been able to watch the first half so far but I have really enjoyed it, especially Darrell. Poor old Andy looked a bit down when his Orks were ‘demolished’ in front of the Land Raider but that is the type of action you learn from. I also think Darrell might have a new appreciation for the potential damage that a Vindicator can hand out. So far quotes of the game for me: Darrell: “I’m gonna help your guys get out of the vehicle for the next phase”. Darrell: “The Public wants him to run.… Read more »
It isn’t very fun to watch one player (Darrell) just steamroll and ignore the other player (especially when that player is splitting his attention between the game and chat) when rules are in question. He just talks over any objection and contiues to play. This might be fine for a tournament (WAAC) but makes for poor entertainment. Darrell needs to play for an audience, where he makes sure both players take full advantage of the rules. I would much rather watch a balanced game played in good faith than a beatdown where one player might as well not be there.
Well done Guys, a great concept! I have a couple of suggestions: – Dice cam, most definitely. But rather than cutting away to it, a separate window popping up would be a nice touch. – Some useful graphics along the top/bottom of the screen. So – game turn number, who’s turn it is and current score/tally. This would really help anyone just tuning in. – Also, not sure how feasible this would be, but maybe some sound fx and tension building music clips to play over any important, climactic or funny parts of the game. I just think it would… Read more »
Extremely good, especially for a first run – interesting to hear Lloyds stage directions as well 🙂 Negatives were terrain movement to allow the drop pod to land (it would have been a different game if Andy’s battlewagon hadn’t gone so early in the game) and driving tanks/bikes up sheer cliffs (the “this is a hill now” comment before driving a Vindicator up a 90 degree cliff, c’mon) – excellent scenary but play it as it lies guys otherwise you may as well be on a flat table OR have the opening scene include terrain definition (impassable, difficult etc) sometimes… Read more »
… forgot to say good work on the cameras to Justin as well 🙂