Join John play with some British Tanks from the Great War range by Battlefront Miniatures.
Stream Archives: Noise Marine
6 years ago 8John will be adding a bit of colour to the most colourful denizen of the 41st Millennium; the hard-rocking Noise Marine!
Stream Archives: Oil War Tank Painting with John
6 years ago 1Let's have a chill Friday together as I keep working on the Oil War project for Team Yankee
Join John today as he continues work on the two epic Oil War armies for Team Yankee.
Join John as he works on the latest kickstarter models for Into The Dead Board Game from PikPok.
Join John for some BIG TANK FUN!
Join John in the Hobby Lab as he'll be building some Space Marines from Warhammer 40k
John's back in the Hobby Room once more to paint up the Reichbusters Vrilpanzer from the game that's coming to a close on Kickstarter this week.
John's back in the Hobby Room once more to paint up the Reichbusters Vrilpanzer that's coming to a close on Kickstarter this week.
John's back in the Hobby Space painting the Reichbusters VrilPanzer.
Can I take advantage of the city-scape once more and fend off Justin with my ruthless play style or will Justin be the King of the Cage once more?
Join us as we're met with Community member and Historical Editor, Oriskany.
It's time to reach out and crush someone!
War will be waged, alliances will be forged and, if Coco is involved, backs will be stabbed!
Join me as I'm painting up the titan of the Adeptus Titanicus in Part Four of an all week live stream.
John me as I'm painting up the titan of the Adeptus Titanicus in Part Three of an all week live stream.
Join us where we'll be playing through Alderac Entertainment Group's fantastic and huge game, Thunderstone Quest.
Join me as I'm painting up the titan of the Adeptus Titanicus in Part One of an all week live stream.
John me as I'm painting up the titan of the Adeptus Titanicus in Part One of an all week live stream.
Join me in painting some cute T34's for our upcoming Flames of War coverage.
Last week, John booted up the Hobby Labs and began the painting process to the amazing Forge Worlds Nathaniel Garro.
Join John today as he'll be striking up the brushes from the dusty wasteland of the Hobby Lab
Today John's back in the Hobby Lab to paint up some tanks, yes you heard it here... Tanks!
John's up to his usual antics live on Stream today.
If you missed the stream last week, here is your chance to catch up and see John weathering up a large toy of R2D2 as part of our May The Fourth content!
Today I've painted up the Cygnar Warcaster from Warmachine.
Today I've painted up Napoleon & Wellington to suit for our Prussonians... THANKS TO GERRY!
Last time on stream John took some time to paint up his P51 Mustangs from Blood Red Skies.
Today I'll be painting up a storm with Blood Red Skies.
John's working on some more Blood Red Skies planes from Warlord Games.
In my last stream I was painting up some marvellous AT-ST's and Air Speeders from Fantasy Flight Games, I even paint in a happy little tree for your viewing pleasure.
John's painting up a storm on the Beasts of War Twitch Channel.
Join John tomorrow at 1pm BST over on twitch or here on the BoW site as he'll be painting Live!
If you missed the painting stream you can catch up now with Warlord Games sky epic, Blood Red Skies.
If you missed the painting stream you can catch up now with Warlord Games sky epic, Blood Red Skies.
I'm painting up the amazing Hellboy model from Mantic Games, soon to be on Kickstarter!
Catch up on the stream from this week as John works on the Mecharius Vanquisher!
If you missed the stream earlier, we have a treat for you Backstagers, you can watch it here!
In case you missed the excellent streams earlier where I paint the Prussonian models, you can watch it here!