Paizo Relaunches The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game

May 3, 2019 by brennon

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Paizo is releasing their new take on the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game this month. A new Core set and Adventure Path await for those looking to take on fantastical quests in card form.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Core Set - Paizo

"Belhaim's tower has just collapsed, its wizard is missing, and local kobolds are whispering the name of a long dead draconic nemesis. And that's just your first day in town..."

This game can be played solo or with three other friends taking the cooperative experience up to four players. The Core Set sets before you The Dragon's Demand Adventure Path as you become heroes of Belhaim. Inside the set, you'll find...

  • 440 cards featuring a wide array of powerful weapons, magical spells, protective armours, versatile items, helpful allies, and divine blessings to help you face a host of vicious monsters, dangerous barriers, vile scourges, and perilous wildcards
  • 12 character pawns representing Pathfinder's iconic character classes from the classic human cleric Kyra to the new goblin alchemist Fumbus
  • A complete set of 5 polyhedral dice
  • 63 colourful tokens for tracking scourges and secondary objectives
  • 4-page quick-start guide
  • 32-page rulebook
  • 24-page storybook featuring The Dragon's Demand Adventure Path

This sounds like a great way to get stuck into some 'role-playing' without the need to get everyone round a tabletop every week for big long four hour sessions.

The Crimson Throne

If you want to take your adventures even further then Paizo also has Curse Of The Crimson Throne waiting in the wings as the next Adventure Path you can undertake.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Curse Of The Crimson Throne - Paizo

"Korvosa is cursed that none of its monarchs shall ever die of old age or produce an heir. The metropolis teeters on the edge of anarchy. It needs heroes that can face down crime lords, rioting mobs, insane cultists, virulent plague, undead hordes, scheming devils, corrupt nobles, barbarian chieftains, and ancient and forgotten evils that seek to dominate and sacrifice the city."

This set brings the player count up to six players and provides you with a challenging new quest to undertake. Inside this set, you'll get...

  • 550 cards featuring a wide array of powerful weapons, magical spells, protective armours, versatile items, helpful allies, harrowing blessings, devoted supporters, and a base to help you face a host of vicious monsters, dangerous barriers, vile scourges, and perilous wildcards
  • 4 character pawns representing Hakon the skald, Kess the brawler, Quinn the investigator, and Varian the wizard
  • 48-page storybook featuring all 6 chapters of The Curse of the Crimson Throne Adventure Path

I like that each set comes with a few new character options to consider, giving you the chance to try something new if you want to spread your wings beyond what's included in the core set.

From all accounts, the Adventure Card Game went down well with a lot of folks and with tweaked and updated mechanics in the mix, I'm sure this version will also capture the imagination.

Will you be checking this out?

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