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Cult of Games Member

Since there is still a bug with uploading pictures to the forums I will only post some finished work here. I have some work in progress stuff as well, but that will have to come later.

This is Jagrimm the Swift, Sparrowhawk. This is from the latest Burrows and Badgers kickstarter from Oathsworn Miniatures.

Here we have the Mouse Burglar you can or could get with the rulebook for Burrows and Badgers by Oathsworn Miniatures together with it’s unique scenario.

This is the Inquisitor with Power Sword and Bolt Pistol by Games Workshop.

The second of the pit crew of the Cerci Speed Circuit for Relic Knights by Soda Pop Miniatures. This second one was better than the first one I did in terms of sculpt or cast. I do however think that these should have been cast in either resin or metal instead of plastic.

This is Isabelle from Hasslefree Miniatures. The base has some resin tree stumps from a different manufacturer added to it. I am not entirely happy with the paintjob I did on her, I might redo her some day maybe.
This is the Lance-friendly picture and not a gif due to Lance being allergic to boobs on the Hobby Hangout.

The Jet Pack Hero from the Time Lost Heroes series from Crooked Dice. My first attempt at doing smoke and I think it turned out great.

I finished painting Rowena Von Graaf from Reaper Miniatures’ Chronoscope range.

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