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Finally. It’s more 15mm 1805 Austrians. And this times its my Generals and their Staff (and a few markers at the end). I really tried to increase my layering on these and again came to end of my skills with the brush. I just cannot paint finer lines. But I’m still quite pleased with the result. Take a look for yourself.

The Generals with staff:

Austrian - Generals 01

Austrian - Generals 02

Erzherzog Karl (Archduke Charles) and his personal adjutant:

Austrian - Generals 03

Austrian - Generals 04

Austrian - Generals 05

General of the Cavalry and his two Aid de Camp (Flügeladjutant):

Austrian - Generals 07

Austrian - Generals 08

Austrian - Generals 09

General of the Infantry:

Austrian - Generals 10

Austrian - Generals 11

Flügeladjutant (Aid de Camp / ADC), note his gold rimmed cuffs 😀

Austrian - Generals 12

And lasty 10 cohesion markers (wound markers):

Austrian - Wounds 01

Austrian - Wounds 02

Austrian - Wounds 03


On my last Austrian @andre77 paid me the greatest compliment I have ever gotten on my painting. He said something a long the lines of: “Great work. Especially all the details. But since when do you collect 28mm Napoleonics?” – And I just went: “Well thank you, kind sir, but these are 15mm :D”.

At first he didn’t wanted to believe me. So here is the proof:

Austrian - Generals 06



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