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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song.

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song. Reply To: Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song.


Cult of Games Member

Hope everybody is having a great day. Quite hot here today, so hot in fact I had to strip down to my underpants and stand in front of the freezer with the door open… well until somebody informed the manager who has now banned me from Asda.

@torros I really enjoyed the Bat rep (well i did when i eventually managed to get past the picture of the buns). Poor Ramses.

@a27cromwell excellent work on the tank riders. The knocked out taank idea sounds interesting.

@mage yes, you have a lot to answer for sir 😀 I haven’t had this much fun painting for years, which is strange really as there are a few ranges I really like, but the Knight Mini’s are something else entirely. Matty thinks i’m ill.

@evilstu Well I think the Castle looks awesome, as does the sections of Chapel you have done so far. I like the green primer you have used on the plague marines, its a great colour to work from.

I did look up the Killing Joke story arc, i’m going to try and see if I can get hold of the graphic novel.

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