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@dawfydd 30 Woolong for the last post where I forgot to write in points… sorry!
@mage heh glad you enjoyed the sleep-in on the w/e – hope the batteries are recharged sufficiently 🙂 Oooh enjoy the concert! Not quite sure that I agree that D&D is everything proof – what happens when you run put of pizza and coke? What if it’s too late in the evening to have more home-delivered? Nooo! Ah I like that liquid greenstuff trick – any suggestions for keeping liquid greenstuff liquid? Mine tends to turn to malleable greenstuff and then solid greenstuff in short order… I like that DMg meme – made me giggle 🙂 Nice work on the dwarves – do you have the whole company? I’ve lost track… 30 Woolong for question responses, 30 more for hobby progress, 2o for posts and memes. 80 total.
@dawfydd more nice progress on the Wolves 🙂 Solid start on the tech-priest, shading on the robe is turning out really well. Nice Gundam. I should probably fish out all of my old kits at some stage (Gundam Wing vintage IIRC…). 30 Woolong for hobby progress.
@sundancer wow, those wookies are really looking good! very cool poses on those sculpts, and you have managed to add enough colour and interest to what may have otherwise been a very monochromatic model. Well played. And nice detail work on the R5-D4 too. 30 Woolong for hobby progress.
@horati0nosebl0wer calling in dead – I’ve been there before, look after yourself! yeah, get some sleep and downtime in instead of hobby – those hours aren’t quite karoshi territory but you’re certianly pointing in the right (wrong) direction. Not sure on the Mordheim, never had any of the town criers, but I do have the 2003 Annual so will check that tonight. failing that, there are a wealth of Mordheim resources online. Maybe have a poke around the tom’s Boring Mordheim forum (I go there regularly for the gratuitous scratchbuilt terrain pjorn…). 30 Woolong for posts ad tunes.
@rayzryr nice start on the DA squad. Heh, always love a bit of White Zombie. Wow, that’s a lot of steps at work, no wonder you’re keen to sit for hobby. Don’t stress with regard to having excess washers, they are great for adding ballast to a mini, especially standard bearers or anybody with an oversized weapon heft above their head 🙂 Yep, went with the Simple Green concentrate and diluted about 5:1 with water. Let soak for 24 hours and then brushed them down with an old paintbrush. then gave up and switched to an old toothbrush. I picked up a kids soft bristled electric toothbrush today at the supermarket (they were on sale so I figured why not) so keen to give that a go on the next batch. Have only tried metals so far, might test some plastics on the w/e time permitting. Thanks again for the tip on the Simple Green 🙂 yep, wall is all 3d prints I did last year. Keen to get my printer back up and running – I use it for so many little bits and pieces (bases, movement trays spare parts etc) that I sort of take it for granted. Has been out of action for about a month and I’m starting to notice the absence. Hopefully new parts will arrive in the post soon. 30 Woolong for question responses,, 20 for responses to others, 20 more for hobby progress. 70 total.