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Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey! Reply To: 15/02/18 Hobby Weekender – Aaaaargh matey!


Cult of Games Member

My copy of Warlords of Erewhon arrived in the post yesterday – really high quality solid rulebook, well laid out with lots of nice artwork and pics of well painted minis from lots of manufacturers. Have only had a chance to read thoroughly through the first couple of chapters but have skimmed the rest, keen to get stuck into it in detail.

Game is warband skirmish level (so 30-60 minis each with a 1:1 representation) and uses order dice like Bolt Action. Combat is based on a D10. You are encouraged to use minis form any manufacturer/dust off old armies which is nice. Army lists are included for Barbarians, Beastmen, Dwarves, Elves, Gnolls, Goblins, Halflings, Knights (the generic Human faction – think c14 europeans and you are in the right space…), Olympians (this one is a bit unusual but imagine an army of Greek heroes of legend and their retinue), Orcs and Undead. There is also an option to filed a list of Monsters, either as a standalone force (for monster hunt games I’m imagining..,) or as purchased add-ons for existing armies.

Notable absences to the list are the various flavours of elves (although the list is generic enough you could field what you like and add flavour form the monsters list if desired – eg Dryads and treemenn for Forest Elves, a Hydra, Manticore, or Giant Spiders for Drow etc), no ogre army (but again you could field as a monsters list or just add-in to an existing army), no dinosaurs/lizards, ratmen, gnomes, fey/forces of nature or demons, but plenty of scope for either official or fan-made add-on lists later I’d suggest. Would also be cool to see some home-brewed lists for African/Asian/Arabic themed armies, just as I’m always a fan of seeing these on the tabletop….

Also worth noting that undead were genuine undead, ie a necromancer and his/her on-going build your own army project, not a Vampire led force per se (there are no rules for vampire units in the undead army from what I saw but you could always just use a vampire mini as an undead hero and utilize those game stats were you so inclined…). Anyhow, I thought this was cool and a refreshing approach after the ‘lump all the things that go bump in the night into one army’ that they could have followed.

Was really nice to see the ‘monstrous’ races covered in such detail too.

In other news, Kickstarter is conspiring against me. Shieldwolf Minis just went live with their Forest Goblin KS reboot, I know Mantic is about to launch Terrain Crate 2 soon and with Reaper Bones 4 shipping you just know they are winding up to unleash Bones 5 (These are a great way to get larger minis like ogres, giants and dragons)…

OK, time for coffee breakfast then painting and finishing season 6 of Vikings… 🙂

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