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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s Reply To: Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s



@mage those plague marines work but they shouldn’t. Defintely need nurgled up, though.   Good work on the other stuff.

@rayzryr what is your recipe for the green on your Dark Angels?  Do you mind sharing?

@sundancer “The lady doth protest too much” comes to mind when you say you won’t start a new system.  But I agree about coffee… though it is actually a poison,  coffee beans evolved to contain caffeine as it killed the bugs that tried to eat them or so i was told.  I’m just glad I am not a bug!




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