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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's


Cult of Games Member

1. Favourite Media
Not to steal off of @sundancer but I have to agree: The Lord of Rings trilogy. To me, this was the start of fantasy and sci-fi can be good outside of their existing niche audiences (maybe excepting the likes of Star Trek/Wars) that led an age of many other enjoyable properties being picked up, the rise of the comic book movie being a notable example in my mind.

2. Favourite Hobby/Game Stuff
Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Start.
Whilst looking back on it with over a decade of being around the gaming/hobby space leaves me with a distinct lack of rose tinted lustre for what they tried to do with this edition, this is where it all started for me. From this game other RPGs (way to many to list here), T/CGs like Magic the Gathering and Munchkin that ate up my time at Uni, miniatures starting with their official range and then on and beyond to find other monsters to put on the table top (this even got me into GW as I bought a Space Marine Tactical squad to fill in for some space robots and the Island of Blood box set for hordes of rats in Iron Claw) and more besides. This was my gateway to years of enjoyment and for that it always have a place in my heart, even if I would probably never find the time to play it again when there is so much more available these days.

3. Music
Based on what I am still listening to today, pretty much anything by these bands but as a taste of their work from the time:

  1. Demon Hunter – Fading Away
  2. Sabaton – Primo Victoria
  3. Blind Guardian – Another Stranger Me
  4. Amon Amarth – Twilight of the Thunder God
  5. The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing – The Gin Song

4. Dream Table Top Project
If I could go all out, I would recreate some of the great sieges/battle fields of the Napoleonic War. I grew up reading a lot of Bernard Cornwell and seeing a scaled version of the like of Talavera or Badajoz, Vitoria or Salamanca: maybe even a part of the the Lines of Torres Vedras would be amazing. Maybe not Waterloo from me personally as that’s been done, a lot… but there is so much more to choose from.

Finish accessorising my two squads of AM Infantry and make a start of the vehicles. Probably not gonna finish the armour though as planning on some work to magnetise the weapon options.

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