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Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's Reply To: Hobby Weekender 15/03/2019 – The 2000's




so Alita was great! It totally vibes with the image of a dystopian cyberpunk future that’s always been inside my head! Between that and Altered Carbon, my Cyberpunk dreams are becoming film reality. More please!


Gloomhaven is good fun. It’s very much a board game. Thought it has RPG elements to it, a player very much has to focus on planning out how they’ll use the cards they have to the best value. This time I went too hard earlier in the mission to take down a mini-boss/elite and found my character was exhausted before the end of the mission. Which meant that I was out of the game with about 20 or 30 minutes of play time before the other two guys finished the mission. But we were successful, just! Each game we’ve played has come down to the wire…


The ALH book is interesting. It has some good tips on project management. Some of which I’d already been doing, some of which I’d never thought of. I’ve not finished it yet, though I’m through the main part of the book, being the actual “advice” of the book. The second part consists of example project where Dave shows how he has used this system to organise and complete army painting.

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