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Another 12 of overnight work. I’m still plugging along with getting my sleep schedule under control. I’ve spoken with the area management about the situation so it might get resolved soon. In the meantime I’ll keep at hobby with base crafting. I am guilty of ordering a couple of figures from Brother Vinni before this upcoming move. I already own a trio of the bunny girls from the Kickstarter he did. The one lying down will work on the base I’m sculpting now that will feature a bearskin rug. The others will likely be used for something like 7TV but I might set them aside for the yearly gift bombing.

@mage all the basing stuff from GW takes a bit for the medium they use to cure. Look into art supplies from Golden, the aggregates are best, as you get so much more than a small pot.

@woldenspoons I’m thinking that the wrestling theme was better suited for Rubleslam! (writing this down for future reference). Good to hear that the game is coming along for you as well. I’d really like to just hobby from here on out and game as I could. Alas, even if I were to get a store it would be for selling the plastic crack to others. As for the pants, I say clown pants are best. Homer had it right.

@limburger You think that it was under the radar? In the tradition of Looney Tunes it was well within the humor arena of the animators and producers. As far as the Pole I think that he might be addressing “aggressive negotiations” a la Star Wars (if Google Translate be believed, which, really anything that we do on tabletop gaming is).

As far as Neon Beats I agree that there is no need for 4K resolution. West of Loathing and Guild of Dungeoneering are definitely something else that needs minimal requirements.

@grumpygraeme You will definitely need that if you have the Labyrinth boardgame. The same thing went for the fireys when their expansion came out.

@crazyredcoat Get hobby when you can get hobby. As long as we see the goodness you get to we all support the play with mini people and other assorted gaming stuff. I’m working on a project right now in the background but I keep putting the teasers up here. This place is support for game fun.

@dawfydd Wow… quite a few figures there even in the background. Quite a bit of work there by my eyes. Agreed that the figure has almost a Mace Windu vibe going on. Good stuff I say.

@sundancer I believe that the trailer for Sonic the hedgehog was bad enough, but to be buzzed by a mad German? Here’s some audio goodness to calm my frazzled nerves over the whole ordeal.

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