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Page 4 replies (part 2):





I will check out the links later, I cannot put anything on with sound at the moment





The original version of the Minotaurs are, but then they mention in the current fluff how their history is somethings contradictory and overlapping in a couple of odd ways. They may or may not be the Minotaurs of the cursed founding either but I like to think they are. The fluff from the original badab war forces got retconned somewhat.


As for Charcharadons they are also another army I really wanna do. Man I think doing a Badab War Collection would be sweet.


10 points for responses to others.


I think the problem with some of the fiction now is that it is implemented with the ethos that ‘we need to make the character, setting and story as AWESOME as possible’ which kind of turns them into the paperback equivalent of pulpy comic books.


@crazyredcoat <10 points>


10 points anyway even if you did not do them this weekend. Not sure Im too crazy about them being on bases but everyone is different. Always good to be hobby positive.


@dawfydd <5 points>


The Aleph’s background is pretty cool. Bloom and Bean, what? Whats with Perseus and the rogue myrmasomething.


Nice minis.


Interesting paint job on the Umbra, when did you paint him? Still looks sinister, the red is a no-no imho (shoes and robes), and the armour could have more white, too much black (between armour plates and the black robes as well).


Ah you found a treasure trove of transfers

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